
Ta-154a Moskito

Started by noxioux, April 14, 2007, 09:35:07 PM

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   For the nose sitting, I don't even weight at all.  Putting a stiff piece of wire into the tire at a slight angle will hold even the heaviest bird down.
Hi Cthulhu77,

I don't really grasp this. Do you mean anchoring the model to some sort of base?

Allan in Canberra
It doesn't have to be permanently mounted to the base...I move my kits around to different settings often....just use a small hole to insert the metal pin into.  Even the photo bases have holes drilled about every two inches or so, since they are so small, 1/32nds, they aren't really visible at all.


Heres my Ta 154 whiff I built 4 years ago...

I have one more of those kits in my stash, next one will be a whiff nightfighter using Bf 110G decals.
