
Il-10 On Steroids

Started by McGreig, April 19, 2007, 09:15:27 AM

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For paint and as this is a Navy bird how about the gray topside white underside scheme sometimes found on Russian types this would make this one look somewhat sharklike too. btw its a fearsome looking aircraft and an awesome whif. nice one.

i'm not here, i'm a figment of someones imagination

John Howling Mouse

Quote*#*#*#*!!!   :angry: Managed to knock the canopy off when masking it for painting!

More of a setback than a catastrophe, but it took longer than I expected to fix, so no new pictures yet. However, damage is now fixed and masking done, so final painting should be getting underway soon.
Durn!  Been there, done that.

Hope she comes 'round to your way of thinking and soon!
Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.


Between tax deadlines, clients who won't produce their paperwork until the day before the said deadlines, under-9 football (you have no idea how time consuming this is - - - ) and working on the house (we've been here 6 months and it still looks as if we moved in yesterday), real life has been seriously getting in the way of this project recently.

However, I've eventually got round to applying the initial camouflage scheme. I decided in the end to go with the two tone grey on the grounds of simplicity. Also there was almost another setback when the enamels looked as though they might be reacting with the acrylic undercoat to give a rough, slightly crazed surface. I managed to prevent this from getting too bad but by then I was in no mood to try any more complicated colour scheme!


The light blue underside still needs to be touched up to get rid of overspray and all the brush painted details and canopy framing still need to be done. The colours are Humbrol Enamels 127 and 106 (with 65 light blue on the undersides) In the photos the light grey 127 appears a bit too white. Once I've finished the detail painting and have it varnished I'll try to take pictures in natural light which should be sharper and show the colours more accurately.

Brian da Basher

Looks stunning! Well worth the effort!

Those red stars are going to look great against that camo scheme!

Brian da Basher

Ian the Kiwi Herder

Ohhh yes, very Yak-3 looking camo - just right !

"When the Carpet Monster tells you it's full....
....it's time to tidy the workbench"

Confuscious (maybe)


Top notch, indeed, bttb
Will die without understanding this world.


We're crawling nearer to completion. I've now finished touching up the paintwork and have given the model a couple of coat of Johnson's Klear in preparation for applying the decals and the remaining canopy frames. Apart from that, not much has changed, although I've added two underwing pylons which will carry either bombs or rocket pods. These photos were taken outside in natural light and show the colours better than the last ones.


A view of the underside. Immediately after taking this photo I turned the model the right way up again and then promptly dropped my mobile phone on it, snapping off one of the U/C legs and the tail wheel.   :banghead:  And if you think that the Carpet Monster's bad, try searching for a part that's gone shooting off into an uncut lawn!  :angry:  That'll teach me to neglect the Garden - - -
Still, everything is now fixed, so decal application and finish should be fairly soon now.


A real beauty :wub:  :wub:  :wub:  
Will die without understanding this world.

Brian da Basher

A real stunner, McGreig! Looks perfect in that well-done camo scheme!

I bet this one would turn quite a few heads.

Brian da Basher


Can't wait to see the decals & stores on it McCreig, I guess your going to laden those wings up to snaping point???
I don't think it's nice, you laughin'. You see, my mule don't like people laughin'. He gets the crazy idea you're laughin' at him. Now if you apologize, like I know you're going to, I might convince him that you really didn't mean it.


Quoteyour going to laden those wings up to snaping point???
Thanks again, everyone, for the encouraging comments  :thumbsup: .

I'm undecided on the weapon load. It will definitely have either bombs or rocket pods on the inner pylons and also a centreline tank.

However, the Russian Shturmoviks tended not to have a lot of outer wing pylons and at the moment I'm swithering between no pylons (Good - it'll be finished sooner :D ) or maybe two or three outboard of the cannons  which would probably make it look more interesting (But ***!!! - I hate fiddling with weapon loads :angry: ).


Nice job on the model.

Love the camo job is it freehand?  
Get this Cheese to sick bay!


Love the camo job is it freehand?
Yes, I'm generally too lazy to use masks - the colours are airbrushed freehand using a Badger 200 (I'm also too lazy to upgade my airbrush!).