Supermarine Jetfire

Started by B777LR, November 04, 2007, 03:11:19 AM

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After beginning my piston perfection build, i had a bunch of parts on my workbench. Thus i started working out what i could create. I settled on the spitfire fuselage, an upside down P-51 nose (without spinner), P-39 wings, P-51 air intake (engine mount) and a F-18 exhaust nossle (jet intake). Still in the middle of PSR, and ive accidently broken off one horizontal stab. Any suggestions?

Brian da Basher

Very interesting Trip 7! I'm looking forward to seeing this one completed, If you really want to make folks do a double-take, finish it in Soviet markings.
Brian da Basher

Martin H

I did something very simler to that with a spit IX sevral years ago.

Looks good so far
I always hope for the best.
experience has taught me to expect the worst.

Size (of the stash) matters.

IPMS (UK) What if? SIG Leader.
IPMS (UK) Project Cancelled SIG Member.


Nearing an end to the PSR process, so i painted the airframe in a matt colour (this time brown). Found a couple of places that needs improvement. Also added the wingtip tanks:


Nice interpretation of a jet-Spit.  Cant wait to see her done!
So I got that going for me...which is nice....

Brian da Basher

Wow that's looking great Trip 7! I really like the wingtip tanks. Reminds me of an F-80 Shooting Star. Nice touch!

Brian da Basher


So, does it weigh in at about 5lbs yet?  That's quite a load of putty!

It's progressing very nicely!


Yup, it weighs quite alot! I think its fun how i spent 2 months first time i did something like this, now ive spent only 3 or 4 weeks! :o

As you can see, i went along with the "very confused JMN scheme" for this model. The JMN will pass it saying thats a Yak-15, but will then notice the spitfire tail, and then...

Brian da Basher

Exceelnt work, Trip 7! I really like the contrast between the red stars and the camo paint! You're right, the "experts" will think it's a Yak until they take a closer look.
Brian da Basher