
TA-154 1/72nd PM/Pioneer

Started by cthulhu77, January 12, 2008, 12:18:42 PM

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 :o truly amazing! Yet another technique I would have never dreamed of. Too cool Greg  :ph34r:
Jeff G.
Stumbling through life.

John Howling Mouse

Some thoughts:
1. You can still get silly string down there?!
2. What a clever modeler/artist you are!
3. I did a similar pre-paint mask with peanut butter once (using acrylic paints no less----never do that again)
4. I called my 8-yr-old over to see the silly string camo pics and she screamed out "COOOOOL!!!"
(I don't get that from her about MY models very often!)

I'm impressed!
Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.


Chuckle. Thanks all !  Yep, we can still buy silly string, kind of pricey at 3 bucks per can, but it will last a while, and it was worth the experimentation.

  Working on the landing gear and base right now...I actually have some modeling time set aside tomorrow to finish it. Yeeha.


Nachtjagdgeschwader 7 "Nosferatu", III. Gruppe, 1. Staffel
April 7, 1946  Tuscany, Italy.

   Octor headed under the port wing, patting the missile rail gently while watching the loading crew pack row after row of 20mm cannon rounds into the storage bays.  The whole squadron would be going out tonight, hunting for the advancing British walkers. Most of the fighters had taken enormous losses in battle with the new technology being fielded from the south, the advanced radar systems of the enemy ripped metal-skinned aircraft out of the sky, like plucking feathers from a chicken.  The wooden composite structure of the Moskito made it more difficult to find and destroy, and in the hills of Tuscany, had proven itself to be quite the hawk. "Yes, dear," he patted the airframe again,"tonight you will taste blood."

   New Uhu units, modified 251 halftracks with FG 1250's, were arriving this evening too, so even the Junkers and Dorniers might cripple the advancing line somewhat, especially the new 388's with their guided bombs. Two well placed hits, and the tripodal walker would collapse in a steam of death for the surrounding troops and tanks of  Montgomery's forces. Rommel planned well, as was evidenced by the denial of invasion in France last year. Octor shook his head, that had been more of a slaughter, not a good death for any soldier, even the enemy. Mowing down troops slogging through heavy seas was not battle, only the foolish SS youngsters seemed happy to be doing it. The Fox himself asked for their surrender time after time, almost begging them to retreat, but the Americans came in wave after wave, only to be cut down by the entrenched tanks and guns, strafed by the twin engined ground attack fighters and stukas.

   With America now out of the war, the conflict had seemed to be over, until the appearance of these devilish new weapons the British had come up with, that sliced through armored columns of Konistigers, scattering them like confetti. Even the heavy tanks of the Russians were fairing no better, despite the propaganda one heard on the radio. He personally knew commanders stationed on the eastern line, and the Panzer divisions were being hurt badly by the enemy units heading north from India.  The Russians were the ones who had devised using the wooden Moskito aircraft as the first line of attack against the metal walkers, often followed up by a few waves of heavy ground attack aircraft and a vigorous ground counter-assault. Even through the oily black smoke generated by the machines, the 154 could pick out it's targets at will, and bring them down to ruin.

"Octor!," First sergeant Luss trotted over," There is a report that the Irish have indeed scored another victory near the coast!"  Octor snorted, "From the damned radio, you heard this?" he did not trust the 'official' channels too much. 
"Nein," Luss exclaimed," Nina sent me a post this morning."  It was hard to think of skinny little Nina, the towhead, being part of the resistance. He hoped that she was alright, the sister of his sergeant's had made quite an impression the last time they had seen each other.
"Nina," muttered Octor, " she is o.k. then. That is good."  Luss grinned, he knew of the Captain's feelings for his sister, now nineteen years old, and showing it. He couldn't resist teasing a bit."It seems she finds the Irish quite charming."  Octor just grunted again, and spat at the ground, red faced at first, then beginning to laugh along with his friend.
"Tonight, tonight my comrade, we shall show these armored devils some new pain." The slim rockets hung from two pylons near to the massive Jumo engines, the seeker heads now turned off, but ready and waiting for darkness. Like vampires, he thought, just like little vampires.



Brian da Basher

Yowsa absolutely stunning, Greg! I really like how the colkor oif the squiggled camo lines is conmplimented by the pale yellow of the cowlings. You've got a fantastic eye for color!

Brian da Basher


Lovely build!  this is one model I don't have in my collection, I'll have to rectify that after looking at this.

If I'm not building models, I'm out riding my dirtbike


Can we assume from this that your build for the Armored GB will be one of these aforementioned British Walkers?
Phil Peterson

Vote for the Whiffies

Glenn Gilbertson

Great model! All the hard work was worth it!


Thanks all !  There will be more pics with a build up later on.  All of the builds are heading in one direction...can't see the exact end yet, but have a grasp of what the world is going to go through.

  This is the fifth build in the series (Schnellboot, P-51, Arado, Pru Spitfire, F-23), every little bit adds up.

John Howling Mouse

So good...TOO good, in fact, to be true.  I do believe you should be arrested for this one!   :lol:
Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.


That is an amazing build of a difficult kit. Brilliant work Greg. Good back story as well.
If you love, love without reservation; If you fight, fight without fear - THAT is the way of the warrior

If you go into battle knowing you will die, then you will live. If you go into battle hoping to live, then you will die


Cool build, I like the silly string idea it could be used on the "scribble" (sorry don't know the real term) camo on real life German WW2 planes as well, will have to try the string & spaghetti idea. Come to think of it other pasta would work well too, spirali & fusili would give an interesting finish!


Yeah, I like that signed model :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:
Will die without understanding this world.


A very nice job on a not so nice to build kit!
