*mig-23K cockpit completed*

Started by raymond, December 03, 2003, 01:48:26 PM

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geetings comrades!

i am proud to announce that the workers at the ramonov Biggov assembly plant have completed scratchbuilding the cockpit, which was a tough and ardeus endever, nevertheless, it is done and work progresses well on the 23K!  one flaw is that the two fuesauge halvs do not mate well, so i have sent order for putty to be supplied to rectify this.

here are some scans of the latest progress

comrage ramonov


Excellent show Comrade Raymond!!!

Keep up the good work!!



greeting again

here are a couple of pics of the entire aircraft, now its been basically assembled!

ill gona have a break for a coupel of days, the look at priming it :)


Comrade Ramonov