
He 100H-1 WIP pics

Started by matrixone, March 21, 2008, 02:38:41 PM

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I think Eduard makes some spinner spiral masks if you don't want to make your own, it might be easier to buy the Eduard pre-cut masks but its more fun to make them yourself.

Thanks once again for the kind words!

The He 100 is finished I am waiting for the weather to clear up so I can get some pics of it when its rolled out of the hanger. ;D
I like how this one turned out, its a whiff for sure but does not look out of place next to the 'real' late war models on my shelf. Just the kind of model that will make the JMN expert types do a double take when they see it!



I have waited and waited for the weather to clear up so I can get outside and get pics of the finished models but no luck so far. Today I set up my photobase in my carport and tried to get a few pics but it was just too dark to get any good pictures under these conditions but here are a few of them anyway.
The 109 looks much better than it does in these pics, the low light conditions don't show the subtle weathering I have done to it very well.

He 100H-1:

Bf 109G-10:

When the weather does clear up I will get proper pictures of these models and post them, no telling when that might happen though...


Brian da Basher

Those are just downright killer, Matrixone! That last black and white shot looks like it could've been taken by an allied secret agent! Fantastic!!!

Brian da Basher


Thanks very much Brian!

I have much better B/W pics planned for both of these models. ;D


Ed S

WOW!! That's a real beauty.  Good photos too. :cheers:

We don't just embrace insanity here.  We feel it up, french kiss it and then buy it a drink.


See under my name and just above my avatar :bow: :bow: :bow:
I amuse me.
Huge fan of noisy rodent.
Things learned from this site: don't tease wolverine.
Eddie's personal stalker.
Worshippers in Nannerland

red arrow jag


Will die without understanding this world.


Thanks guys!

Too bad you can't see whats being built now, (no, not another Focke-Wulf!) its my 'secret' bomber! You guys might like it, I don't think the HS crowd will care for it very much though! I can almost feel the warmth from the flames! :wacko:

Other projects that I have underway are:

1/32 scale Fw190A-10 what-if

1/48 scale Fw190A-8  real

1/72 scale Fw 190D-9 real

1/48 scale Fw 190D-12 x 3 all what-if

1/48 scale (Monogram) Zero real/what-if markings(?)

All the Focke-Wulfs will be built but not painted until I have the second volume of Jerry Candall's Dora book in my hands, no sense painting them untill I have enough information to paint them correctly and this book will have about all I need to know about the subject. I can't fool the JMN experts with some of my what-ifs if they don't look the part! :wacko:



OMG you are in fact The One :wub: When the JMN come at you do you do that weird slow motion bullet dodging thing :huh: :blink: ;D
I amuse me.
Huge fan of noisy rodent.
Things learned from this site: don't tease wolverine.
Eddie's personal stalker.
Worshippers in Nannerland


I fully expect to get flamed when I post the pics of the He 100H-1 over at HS, dodging flames is one thing but I never thought about having to dodge bullets too! I better practice some of those bullet dodging moves from Neo. ;D
A few years ago I built a Luftwaffe Zero and posted it on a few modeling sites and actually got some hate mail! I was impressed by some of the reactions over that model, sometimes you don't know what to expect when posting your work on a public forum.

The weather never did clear up but at least it stopped raining so I tried getting some more pictures today, I have not looked at them yet but they should be better than my efforts yesterday. Friday the weather might clear up a little and maybe I will get some good pictures taken of the new models, if so, I will be posting them soon.



I really like how your He-100T turned out. But then again, I could look at He-100's all day anyway!
My mind is like a compost heap: both "fertile" and "rotten"!

Ian the Kiwi Herder

As ever, the photos are the cherry on the top. That G-10 is just beautiful, just cannot get excited about the Heinkel, but looking at the 'to-do-list', the 190A-10 gives me quite a tingle...... So about this secret bomber, What was that Junkers design with the forward swept wings, four jet engines and spats.......http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b258/sparty7200/Ju287B11947.jpg, ahh yes the Ju 287...... No ?...... I'll get me coat again.

"When the Carpet Monster tells you it's full....
....it's time to tidy the workbench"

Confuscious (maybe)


Nope, I am not building a Ju 287. If Revell would just make a kit of one of those I would build one, Huma makes a kit of the first prototype of the Ju 287 but I would like to build the planned production version instead because of the whiffing potential.


Brian da Basher

Hehehehehe...Ian said the "S" word. Hehehehehehe...

Can't wait to see your "Secret Bomber Project" Matrixone! I'm thoroughly enjoying watching you build yet another masterpiece!

Brian da Basher