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Started by Hobbes, July 12, 2007, 10:45:31 AM

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Quote from: van883 on June 18, 2008, 09:57:00 AM
I have an ever growing pile of unbuilt vac forms that frighten me!


From what I've seen in this build, vacforms have a worse reputation than they deserve. Preparing the vacform parts took only a few hours and was entirely straightforward.
I ended up modifying the kit here and there, true. Even that wasn't too hard in the end, just tackle one problem at a time.


Nice work!


All hail the God of Frustration!!!


Additional options?

P.177 has a TO speed with a simple blown wing of about 145kts, at 28,700lb, landing at under 120kts at 17,000lb.
Ergo assuming a 20kts WOD, we have 125kts TO, and 100kts landing.
Operations from Karel Doorman should be possible. though at the need of lengthening the catapult.

Persuite course interceptions at 20nm to 60nm  from base for a mach 0.95 bomber.
A collision course weapon would extend interception range to 60nm to 100nm.
Persuite course interception of a bomber doing mach 1.3 is 20nm, collision course 60nm.

Typical intercpetion as required by the RN.
TO and cruise to 60,000ft in 6 minutes, followed by 3 minutes cruising towards bomber at mach 1.4 (turbojet only?).
Then turn onto bombers tail, a 180 degree turn at 2g doing mach1.4 continiously (use of rocket here certainly), followed by 3 minutes combat at 60,000ft and mach 1.4.
Flight back to CV at economical speed and 40,000ft in 15 minutes.
Descend to sea level 5 minutes.
loiter and land 20 minutes including one overshoot.

Swapping the HTP for jet fuel extends endurance to 2 hours CAP at 100nm from base or carrier. Speed with fuell load of jet fuel mach 0.97 at sea level.
Basic aircraft able to tote two 1,000lb bombs, but the wing should be strengthenable to take higher loads.
To win without fighting, that is the mastry of war.