avatar_Captain Canada


Started by Captain Canada, January 03, 2004, 10:54:06 AM

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Captain Canada

Hey !

Just to let you guys know.....I got my PE set for the Arleigh Burke. What a beauty ! I spent last night cutting out doors so I could have some open. Also spent allot of time looking for refs on the web, as this is my first ship. I still need to get a few Lynx ( 350 scale ) for the ship, as the Merlin' are too big. My local guy is having trouble getting them in.........

I've also grabbed a few sets of Phalaynx guns, to add to my sub and a few support vessels.

White Ensign Models........you guys ( and girls ! ) rule !

Now I just need my carrier...but may hold off until that big Russian one comes out next year, as I'd like a full sized ship with a ski jump. I'd like to have Sea Flankers and Harriers on the same ship.

Cheers !
CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


Hi Toad

Just order direct from WEM, they usually deliver within a week or so as part of there great service. To think they were but 20 ft from us at the nationals as well, but i did manage to lure Aircav into their evil lair as he went in to some airstrike and Brass that cost way more than the kit they are to be fitted too !!!!. (i did manage to get so nice little metal Phantoms and Sea Vixens in 1/700 for myself at a reduced rate  :D )

A merlin won't fit thats a surprise but then the hanger is a bit low i suppose, so a trio of Super lynx should do the job nicely. Sure you not to miffed about doing the conversion to a flight II version only to have it appear in kit form !!!!. At least Trumpeter have redone their Sovremeny in 1/350 scale to act as opposition for you !!!!.


Thor B)  

Captain Canada

Hey Geoff,
    The Merlin will fit, in my hangar ! I'm doing the double angled type hangar of the CDN Iroqouis class......so I don't mind the new kit coming out ! I just want the Lynx, as i can wedge more of them on. But since my navy uses the merlin, we'll have all our Capital ships equiped to handle them, as well as SHARs.
    Also, we'll be working side by side with the Sovremeny class............in the battle to take over the world !

Cheers !
CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?