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Thinning MicroScale's liquid decal film?

Started by John Howling Mouse, July 09, 2008, 09:30:10 AM

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John Howling Mouse

Great stuff.  While I've always used a soft bristle brush, I've often read articles where the builder "airbrushes several thin coats" over home-printed decals but they never mention what they thin the product with.  It seems far too viscous out of the bottle to airbrush as is.

I wouldn't imagine you simply use water, since it is a waterslide decal that you're spraying, but I've been wrong before.... 

I also find that soap and water don't seem to do a very good job at cleaning the stuff out of the bristle paintbrushes afterwards, either.  Anyone know what to safely clean this stuff up with?

>>>EDIT: Found out from FSM that you thin/clean the stuff with alcohol or (yikes) lacquer thinner:  http://cs.finescale.com/search/SearchResults.aspx?q=microscale%20decal%20film&f=MjA=&u=
Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.


Wondering if you could spray on future as opposed to the Micoscale stuff, if it would do the same thing...anyone have any luck with future?
Elm City Hobbies


John Howling Mouse

I've had so-so luck with Krylon's "Crystal Clear" spray finish used in the same manner you've described with Future.  Only thing is, you end up with a micro-thin coating which is great on the one hand as no one wants a noticeably thick decal but, on the other hand, the coating is not really thick enough to protect the home-printed decal.  In the end, to be safe, I use the Crystal Clear as a sealant for the laserprinted inks, then coat with Microscale's decal film to reduce the amount of tearing for the homemade decals, anyhow.
Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.

Mike Wren

don't bother trying with Future/Klear, it sort of melts & distorts the decal paper/ink!


Thats strange Mike. I hand painted some Hannants clear "decal" film for canopy frames and coated that in Klear/Future and it was fine.
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.

Mike Wren

hmmm... strange... I use Experts Choice decal film so maybe that's the difference...?


Could be - still trying to figure why the use of water based acrylic paint didn't effect the "decal" paper ?

One thing with the Hannants stuff is it's not Inkjet friendly
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.

Ed S

When I've made custom decals in the past with a laser, I used Testors Gloss Coat thinned with lacquer thinner and lightly sprayed a coat over the printed decals.  It worked fine.  Just don't be heavy handed when spraying.   I haven't tried this on any ink jet printed decals.  The lacquer based clear apparently doesn't attack the water based inks and glues.  I think that by keeping the coat very thin, it actually evaporates before it attackes the underlayers.

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