
1/144 CL604-MAMSS

Started by Spey_Phantom, October 08, 2008, 10:36:34 AM

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as some might have read in the alt. news thread, about a AEW/MP bombardier CL-604.
i got the inspiration from the Embraer R-99A (ERJ145 AEW).

back history (from the alt. news thread)

QuoteLeutonia orders CL604-MAMSS.

Talon Bay 07.09.2008: the Leutonian Air Force and Navy have jointly decided to purchase the CL604-MAMSS (Multirole Air and Maretime Surveillance System). the LAF and LN had a requirement for a new AEW&C and maretime patrol aircraft, but in order to save money, they decided to work together and operate a single aircraft that can do both roles. the aircraft is a Bombardier CL604, equiped with an indigenuos Amphos Radar system (a reverse engineered version of the swedish EriEye system) and can both scan air and sea targets over a range of 380km².

the reason the CL604 was selected is because compared to the E-2C and the SAAB 340/2000, it has a longer range and endurance and a lower fuel consumpion. the Navy did not want to use the aircraft, but after the TU-95RT was rejected due to the noise level and age, it decided to work with the LAF aircraft, at least until newer aircraft become available.

the contract for the CL604-MAMSS is vallued at $1 billion and includes 4 aircraft (+2 in option), training, spares and support. the LAF already operates 2 604's as VIP aircraft, so commonalitybetween the types will make it better to maintain and operate.
the first aircraft is sheduled for delivery in early 2010.

Quotefirst CL604-MAMSS flies

Saint-Laurent, Québec Canada 06.10.08: the first Bombardier CL604-MAMMS (Multirole Air and Maretime Surveillance System) aircraft took to the skies today in Saint-Laurent, Québec. the aircraft is the first of 4 destined for the Leutonian Air Force, witch will use the aircraft for airborne early warning and maretime surveillance.
the aircraft is similar in configuration to the Ebraer R99/erieye but is smaller and has a range of up to 3500km.
the heart of its system lies within the indigenous Amphos Radar system (reverse engineered EriEye).

the aircraft will now conduct a series of test flights and should be ready for delivery to the LAF early 2009.

the model is an Revell 1/144 CL604, radar and extra fins (on tail and bottom) are scratchbuild  :mellow:

on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Cool idea; it looks like the poor CL604 is groaning under that load, though  :thumbsup: