
Landgepanzerteschiff LgPzSc-IV Tausendfüßler

Started by puddingwrestler, November 13, 2009, 01:28:54 AM

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Schwartzland Obercommando Der Heeres internal memo no. 186, December 1st, 1944.

From: Herr Doktor Professor P. W. Reistler; Schlosewieg GMBH
To: Herr General Wheipher, Kommandeur des gepanzerten Waffen Entwicklung

Herr General; apologies for the delay in communication; storm damage to our factory required some days to repair and regretably curtailed work on the LgPzSc-IV. I am pleased to report that work has re-commenced and we have almost completed the prototype armored cargo car. We have decided on a large, oblong central ventilator intake mounted on the roof. There is a secondary vent located forward, and an overhead escape hatch to the rear. We are currently working on installing the cargo doors and observation ports.
I am also pleased to report that we have started work on the tail car unit. This is slightly smaller than the cargo car, and will, as I have mentioned before, carry an anti-aircraft armorment. We have been working on the suspension system; a shortened version of that used on the cargo car.

I have included photographs of our progress.

For the Fatherland; Heil Kessler!

Yours; Herr Doktor Professor P. W. Reistler; Reiperheim.

There are no good kits, bad kits or grail kits, just kitbash fodder.

Doc Yo


Abkürzungs- und Spitznamenanweisungsdienst memo no. 12844, December 1st, 1944.

From: Dipl. Ing. A. Hobbes
To: Herr Doktor Professor P. W. Reistler; Schlosewieg GMBH

Herr Doktor; I have the unfortunate duty to inform you that the nickname 'Tausendfüssler' you have so cavalierly assigned to your project has already been taken. The project in question is otherwise known only as V-3, due to the secret nature of the program I cannot reveal more. Needless to say, der Führer has his eye on this project and would be most displeased if it were used elsewhere. I'm sure you understand what needs to be done.

For the Fatherland; Heil Kessler!

Yours; Dipl. Ing. A. Hobbes, Schloss Orange


Dipl. Ing. A. Hobbes;

It would appear you are talking of one of the weapons operated by the nation of 'Germany' in the alternate history writings of the noted author Herr W. Churchill. Schwartzland has never operated such a weapon or contemplated such a project.

(Important note: As I am to lazy to develop a reasonable explanation for mechs in ww2 I have simply developed a completely new planet with approximately the same tech level as earth circa ww2. It should not, in any circumstance, be confused with our own ww2. For a start, the war has not yet begun in 1944, and will have a [mostly] religious basis)
There are no good kits, bad kits or grail kits, just kitbash fodder.


Herr General;

The anti-aircraft cannon being constructed for us has been delayed at the manufacturer. This has caused work on the project to stall.
There are no good kits, bad kits or grail kits, just kitbash fodder.