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The Lindberg Project Begins, one man's efforts:

Started by Daryl J., January 11, 2009, 08:07:19 PM

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Daryl J.

So instead of whiling away my time on Facebook while I'm waiting for my family to arrive, some Lindberg kits will get the Whiff Treatment.

The initial plans are to use these two kits:

Note the images are reversed as all I have is my in-screen camera on my Mac which only does mirror image.   The digicam is at home with The Missus...good pix of the kids come before good pix of the kits.   :wub: :wub:

Anyways, the Voodoo is to get 'Hawkerized'  much like the Harrier got McDonnell-Douglased.    The Stiletto is to get a conversion in order to slot somewhere between the U-2 and the SR-71 as Douglas was ordered to give over their data to Lockheed.    Skunkworks to the rescue!   

As there is another X-3 on the way from Rollmodels, that one may get to be the piggyback on a larger machine as seen on the cover of this book:  ISBN-10:  0764332295, Secret Aerospace Projects of the US Navy: The Incredible Attack Aircraft of the USS United States, 1948-1949.

This week's plans:   Cut out and clean parts, make full kit sized plans of structural modifications, some rescribing if possible.   Perhaps some assembly where pre painting is unnecessary.

Absolutely no schedule to follow on these.   :thumbsup:

More to follow later,
Daryl J.


I'm diggin it already !  I actually like the backwards view, it makes me feel right at home.

Andrew Gorman

Here's what i started to do with a Lindberg X-3.  Lindberg kits are your best whiffy entertainment value.  Big, cheap, and close to what they represent.  Embarrassing to to talk about how long this project has been sitting around, but I honestly lost it- stuffed it away in an abandoned building when i went somewhere else for a 6 months, and it took me another 18 months after that to trip over it.