
pics from Wonderfest (no, not mine)

Started by philp, May 18, 2009, 09:25:45 AM

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If you are a Sci Fi modeler in the US (and even other places) you have heard about the Wonderfest show that is done in Kentucky every year. http://www.wonderfest.com/

This year I once again had to live vicariously through the pictures others posted and comments on Starshipmodeler.

Here are some links for you to peruse when you have time.
Phil Peterson

Vote for the Whiffies


Thanks for those pics. I always like the Iron Modeller. I reckon it would be a hoot to do something like that here. :mellow:
Get this Cheese to sick bay!


It was a terrific show. Over 500 models (not to put too fine point on it, but there were 501 models), a vendors room that could suck a wallet dry in a heartbeat, great seminars, special guests and more. I found 3 three resin kits I was looking for but that ol' siren song of the resin called for me and I could do nothing to stop it. I had to ship most of my purchases home....
IPMS Seattle 'President For Life'


Quote from: braincells37 on May 21, 2009, 02:44:41 PM
It was a terrific show. Over 500 models (not to put too fine point on it, but there were 501 models), a vendors room that could suck a wallet dry in a heartbeat, great seminars, special guests and more. I found 3 three resin kits I was looking for but that ol' siren song of the resin called for me and I could do nothing to stop it. I had to ship most of my purchases home....

I can hear the "Garage O'Kits" making Num-Num sounds from my back-yard. ;)


For those of you that have never been to Wonderfest you have no idea what you are missing. IF you do nothing else you have fun just getting to know all the people you meet there and spending time in both the dealers room and the contest area. This year was the 20th year for Wonderfest and this year the theme was the movie "Alien". They had some of the props from the movie and reproductions of the spacesuits used.

I entered a small Klingon Bird of Prey and got a merit award  for it. It was my first award at a Wonderfest after going there for 5 years out of the past 7. I was shocked to say the least. The models are judged based on their own merit and not by the IPMS method. It still counts to have done all of the basics but it's not enough to win.


These are my pictures of what was there. I didn't take a picture of everything but you get an idea of what was there. There are more pictures at www.starshipmodeler.com under their Wonderfest 2009 thread.