
A slightly different idea

Started by Taiidantomcat, June 14, 2009, 10:28:07 AM

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Awhile ago on ARC the subject of colors and perception came up, and I recalled an Art Project I did in high school. we were put into groups of 6 or so students then we divided a picture into sections and reproduced the pictures' lines on butcher paper. Each student had to make sure that all the lines matched perfectly and then we were instructed to paint and match the colors in the picture as closely as possible. Each student saw colors differently of course so when all the sections were joined we had a kind of "quilt effect" as each students perception of color was different from the others.

Someone on ARC suggested doing something like that with a model, but we couldn't get enough takers (a lot of folks couldn't seem to understand that if we did that things wouldn't look uniform) I thought i would suggest it here. Its kind of a GB idea, but not in a conventional sense so i thought I would post it in General modeling topics (mods feel free to move it if you need to. The donor of the kit could keep it at the end and folks could chip in on shipping costs (may not be much since it would be in subsections) . It would cost a little more since we seem to spread out a little more (A lot of whiffers seem to be from a place called "kan-a-da"? Im pronouncing that right? I think its a planet in Star Wars)

The reason I posted this morning is because the light bulb came on that one could do a Luftwaffe subject (or luft paintjob on something else :wacko:) and we could paint all of our subsections in different colors and patterns--I have seen a few pics of late war luftwaffe subjects with replacement parts from various aircraft so nothing really matches...plus it will annoy the hell out of a JMN. Just a thought. we could also have the Kit donor build it up without glue, prime it, mark the camo pattern with pencil and then send off the sections to be a little closer to the original concept.

What do you think?
"Imagination is the one weapon in the war against reality." -Jules de Gaultier

"My model is right! It's the real world that's wrong!" -global warming scientist

An armor guy, who builds airplanes almost exclusively, that he converts to space fighters-- all while admiring ship models.