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Started by chrisonord, July 02, 2009, 09:04:55 AM

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These two have been stuck in the cabinet for a long time so I thought I would do some pics and put them on here.
The first is a US Navy electronic warfare UCAV, designed to fly along a set path and work independently. This could be sent into areas of hostility where the chance of manned aircraft being shot down are very high. It is made from an engine pod from a B-52 and some wings off something in the bone yard, along with some EA-6 jamming pods and some F-84 drop tanks. The vehicle can either be air launched from a P-3 or C-130, or rocket launched from a ramp on board a ship.
The second one is an air combat assist drone, this can be air launched from a B-52, Hercules, B-1 or SR-75. It's task is to either back up F-22's F-15's etc during air superiority missions or supply additional fire power during dogfights. The drone can also be used as part of a multiple unit defence system for attacking B-52's or B-1's. The drone is armed with 6 AIM-120's, but can also be armed with HARM's, or a mixture of both, depending upon mission requirement. This drone is capable of high supersonic speeds and exceptional manoeuvring.

The dogs philosophy on life.
If you cant eat it hump it or fight it,
Pee on it and walk away!!


Cool concepts! :thumbsup:

I think the wings of the first one are from a Su-27 Flanker.

Must, then, my projects bend to the iron yoke of a mechanical system? Is my soaring spirit to be chained down to the snail's pace of matter?


Quote from: chrisonord on July 02, 2009, 09:04:55 AM
These two have been stuck in the cabinet for a long time so I thought I would do some pics and put them on here.
The first is a US Navy electronic warfare UCAV, designed to fly along a set path and work independently. This could be sent into areas of hostility where the chance of manned aircraft being shot down are very high. It is made from an engine pod from a B-52 and some wings off something in the bone yard, along with some EA-6 jamming pods and some F-84 drop tanks. The vehicle can either be air launched from a P-3 or C-130, or rocket launched from a ramp on board a ship.


The Bat lives!  ;D

Very cool.
