
IJA B747 and Luft\\\'46 WHIFs

Started by TsrJoe, February 16, 2009, 07:59:35 AM

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Additional images at this link: http://fw190a8.hp.infoseek.co.jp/article2/AllanMcRae/03.html

Additional images at this link: http://home.catv.ne.jp/kk/galland/article/AllanMcRae/01.html

Additional images at this link: http://home.f08.itscom.net/galland/article/jv44.html

***added supporting images for each link***
... 'i reject your reality and substitute my own !'

IPMS.UK. 'Project Cancelled' Special Interest Group Co-co'ordinator (see also our Project Cancelled FB.group page)
IPMS.UK. 'TSR-2 SIG.' IPMS.UK. 'What-if SIG.' (TSR.2 Research Group, Finnoscandia & WW.2.5 FB. groups)


Loved the "candy stripes" on the "JV-44" whiffs!
My mind is like a compost heap: both "fertile" and "rotten"!