
WH40k whif - a really big Tau battlesuit!

Started by ChernayaAkula, February 23, 2009, 09:34:32 PM

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A WH40k whif -  a really big Tau battlesuit!

Found HERE over on CoolMiniOrNot. If you don't know that site yet, do check it out! Especially the Top 10s on the upper right-hand corner. Some extremely talented people there.  :bow:

Must, then, my projects bend to the iron yoke of a mechanical system? Is my soaring spirit to be chained down to the snail's pace of matter?


That really is a great bit of work there and I'd hate to think just how many kits hes used to build it.  :bow: :bow: :bow:
Thanks for sharing  :thumbsup:
"Subvert and convert" By Me  :-)

"Sophistication means complication, then escallation, cancellation and finally ruination."
Sir Sydney Camm

"Men do not stop playing because they grow old, they grow old because they stop playing" - Oliver Wendell Holmes

Vertical Airscrew SIG Leader


Well, disassembling it with what I can see, we have:

1 Hammerhead Gunship - the railgun mounting on the arm, the forward body, the scanner under the torso, one engine over the shoulder - the standard intake louvers have been replaced with the heads from two Seeker Missiles, the intake cover itself is the back of the hip section, cut up though.  The upper leg sections are built each from one Ion Cannon weapon, so he probably raided his spares box (a hammerhead comes with one ion cannon, one railgun) for the second one.  Also provided two of the Many vehicle burst cannons that are used in this monster.  The Doors for a Tau Tank are featured only once that I can identify - the outer shield on the railgun arm.

Tau Drones - their bodies serve as the covers on the backpack, the core of the massive chaingun, the inside joins of the legs

Tau Piranhas - the shoulderpads are Piranha nose sections, I don't think I can see any other piranha parts.

Tau Crisis Battlesuits - The upper back definately incorporates pieces of the Crisis suit, and the weapons are studded all over in pieces - the cooling tubes off the backpack are made from the barrels of six plasma rifles, the ankle joints feature the muzzle of four Fusion blasters, the joint covers on the chaingun arm are done with shield generators, as are the outer covers on the hip joints.

Tau Stealth Suits - one Stealth Suit upper body goes to make the head, potentially that's where the antenna comes from.  Stealth suit burst cannons, with their trademark covered barrels, are the two lower vents off the back, though their four barrels have been cut off and replaced with another piece.

There are parts in there that I can't personally identify, but definately, this is one monster of a Tau battlesuit.  Just on size, it would be quite an impressive sight - the nose section of a Devilfish/Hammerhead alone is a good three inches, and he cut that just short of the doors I believe.  That thing is absolutely massive, by far nothing to match up against an Imperial Titan, but for the Tau, that would definately rank up on a superheavy scale, or I'd be tempted to.  Two structure points at least, with a gattling burst cannon, a railgun, and a few other nasty surprises.  Yeah, you could make that thing pretty nasty on the tabletop with the fun gadgets he's got on there.  Definately something to take out from long range.
Putty-fu, Scratch-jutsu and Bash-chi, the sacred martial arts of the What-If. Mastering them, is Ancient Chinese Secret.

Just your friendly neighbourhood Mad Scientist and Ship-whiffer.

Overkill? Nah, it's Insurance.  So are the 20" guns.


Quote from: ChernayaAkula on February 23, 2009, 09:34:32 PM
A WH40k whif -  a really big Tau battlesuit!

Found HERE over on CoolMiniOrNot. If you don't know that site yet, do check it out! Especially the Top 10s on the upper right-hand corner. Some extremely talented people there.  :bow:

Great build truely awesome, but.........................I can't get rid of the feeling that he looks like he drank a case of beer before he went to war!

Suck it in son!!!!!!!! ;D
Get this Cheese to sick bay!