
Odd question(for research)...

Started by Fulcrum, July 03, 2009, 01:46:19 AM

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I have a idea of a possible story, but I need to do some research. What I am researching is finding out if there are more than 1.5* cases of modern jet combat aircraft that has gone missing/disappeared. I will thank anyone who will provide any possible information on any fighter/ground attack aircraft that have vanished between 1959-present. I will use any information gathered for a alternate history thread to be made & posted by October, 31st.

*some cases DID happen...
- RAAF Canberra bomber missing during a bombing mission over Vietnam, was just recently found (.5)
- D.R. of Congo A.F. Su-25 disappeared during a rebasing operation during December '06, wreckage has never been found... (1)

Was inspired after doing a silly thing with my 1:48 F-16 model.
Fulcrums Forever!!!
Master Assembler


There was a Report out of Colorado in the USA of an A-10 Vanishing during a Training Sortie a Few Years ago!!!! Still unsolved as far as i know!!!!!! that Help?????


Quote from: Cobra on July 03, 2009, 02:22:58 AM
There was a Report out of Colorado in the USA of an A-10 Vanishing during a Training Sortie a Few Years ago!!!! Still unsolved as far as i know!!!!!! that Help?????
Nope, it has been found, flew into a mountain WELL away from where it should have been. They think the pilot may have been losing it mentally for some time and just flew away.
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Sic biscuitus disintegratum!

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They are just physical manifestations of collisions between enigma & conundrum particles.

Any aircraft can be improved by giving it a SHARKMOUTH!


Wasn't that the case where civilian GPS systems worked in the same accuracy scale with military ones for the duration of the search for the pilot ?


Suggest looking on the ACIG board think they will know.


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