Israeli Desert Lion F-14 Bombcats

Started by andyreb3, September 04, 2009, 09:14:11 AM

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At this point having the F-14s cary combined weapons of 2 Israeli Modified Tomahawks and and their versions of the rocket -powered jdams weaponry and having maybe a Mossad team to laser guide the jdams.
With 1-2 C-130s carrying Bunker Busters or Low Yield Nukes. Was thinking of having the aircraft take off from several of the black ops bases we have in Iraq, and please don't tell me we don't have them. My nod to aluminium hat brigade. Sorry but having it look like aliens attacking Iran too Implausible besides Gort is on the Hollywood Movie Convention Circut and is unavailable till he hunts Keanu Reeves and makes him apologize for the awful remake.