
What You Got Planned To Build

Started by Spey_Phantom, September 14, 2007, 12:16:06 PM

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I've got so many projects I need to finish it's almost comical, and the idea's just wont stop coming. Today while watching a DVD on building the new Academy Raptor I got an idea for another aggressor F-15 to be done-up in a hybrid compass ghost gray/mod-eagle scheme with Have Glass finish . . .

*Sigh* At this rate I might as well order a case of those F-15 Easykits from Revell :lol:

Take Care, Stay Cool & Remember to "Check-6"
- Bud S.


Got a whole bunch of stuff planned... just need to get the plastic to do it all!

Consisting of:
The aircraft for the lead squadron in the online game I run, 'Thunderbolt Black', which means a bunch of modern day jets in inventive markings and livery, with a wide variety of weapons, equipment, and mods... I'm going to need some Hase weapon sets!
They are:
A typhoon
A Viggen
An F-14A
An F-15E
An F/A-18C (with added Growler pods)
An AV-8B
An A-4 Skyhawk

out of all of those, the only one I've actually got is the Harrier... so I have some investing to do!

I also want to build up the lead craft from the novel I'm writing. It's a post-apocalyptic setting, where the lead characters have some salvaged and extensively modified aircraft.

F-111 'Madvark' with F-22 tails, canards, and some other cosmetic mods

and in progress the F-4 'Phantomax' which has a Tornado rudder, as well as CFTs' and some other modifications.

I've also got what's virtually a scratch-build in mind, since i'll need about five kits to make it, but it's an advanced-tech fighter called the 'Nephilim'. I'll need to photoshop up some plans for it first, I think!


My current build involves a 1/144th concorde, 1/72nd scale su-15 rear fuselage, 1/72nd scale tornado intakes, and rear wings.mig 1.44 engine nozzles, cockpit caopy from a load a bits I got from Dork, a pair of canard fore planes, and a home made anti ship missile :wacko:
Also on the agenda;

SHADO moon base interceptor.(Lippisch p13a)
second turbo prop Be-6
leopard 2
Nord Griffon for SHADO interceptor
Tigercat floatplane
Canberra high altitude recon plane
Fokker friendship AWACS
B-58 converted to a passenger aircraft for SHADO
S.I.D from S.H.A.D.O, but an armed and mobile version, unmanned but capable of supporting a medivac of all the crew of moonbase, and with medical provisions. Also interceptor drone flush fit into side of hull.   
The dogs philosophy on life.
If you cant eat it hump it or fight it,
Pee on it and walk away!!