A10A - Captured warthog 1/72 Academy

Started by karlik, November 04, 2009, 07:14:14 AM

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Quote from: Mossie on November 04, 2009, 07:47:34 AM
That last link works, looks good!  Tell us more about this war 1989!
One day of war, not the first nor the last

author: Tomáš M. - Raptor Czech WhatIf SIG

18th November 1989

Ambassadors States for chartist coalition in the morning by the President Šrom formal documents denouncing the war with Czechoslovakia.
Starting from the sixth o'clock began an intense bombardment of border areas of Czechoslovakia massive volumes Force USAFE, RAF, Armée de l'Air and the Luftwaffe. There are several air fighting.

Over the plans is to encounter two patrolling swarms MiG-21bis of 5 slp with four F-16C and two F-15C. Czechoslovaks shoot down two F-16C and one F-15C, but they lost five MiG-21bis. Over the Czechoslovak Trhanov Mi-17Z-2 aircraft attacked a pair of A-10 headed for the raid on tank unit near the Czech Kubice. After a brief battle is forced to make emergency landing. The board operator dies por. František Stekla.
Over Germany are formed four massive volumes of air then headed to airports Line, Czech Budejovice, Karlovy Vary and Bechyně. Bundles formed planes from France and Great Britain and headed to the front and the fighters Bechyně 5th slp, 9 GLP and 19 slp attacked over Tachov and there is a large air battle in which enemy forces lost 13 aircraft and 11 Tornado aircraft Mirage. Czechoslovaks pay victory loss 5 MiG-21MF and 7 MiG-21bis. Despite heavy losses to become Air Force CSLA manage to disperse hostile Association and both defend the airport.

Association headed to the airport Karlovy Vary consisting NSR is attacked by airplanes flying at Cheb fighters MiG-21MF of the 91st SLP and MiG-29A / 11 slp. There is a shot down nine enemy aircraft Tornado aircraft and five F-4F. Sami lost three fighters MiG-29A and four MiGs-21MF. Airport Karlovy Vary is easily damaged, without limiting the scope of air traffic, with the greatest damage caused by aircraft anti-aircraft artillery shot down the Tornado, who is crew crashed into the streets of Carlsbad, where the debris and exploding weapons killed 14 civilians, injured more than a hundred others.

Association formed last USAFE aircraft overflying Austria and challenges from the south airport Czech Budejovice. The battle over which it unleashes USAFE lost 18 aircraft (5xF-16C, 8xF-15E, 2xF-15C and 3xF-111). At the same time, however, its airplanes can exclude from the operation of the airport and the destruction of VPD massacre fighters defending the airport 1st SLP, which lost 23 MiG-23MLD. The rest of the defending aircraft are routed to the backup landing at the airport in Pacov. From there, after re-arming and fill-up sent to the rear airport Mošnov. Here located 8th SLP is transferred to the West and its four squadrons of MiGs-23MF and ML are Fly back to the airport and Pacov Všechov in southern Bohemia (at each airport landing two squadrons).

In the vanguard of the attack aircraft from 15:00 to Czechoslovakia begin to attack enemy ground forces.

The first direction of impact is conducted with center gathering Mitterteich northeast. Enemy troops break the fortifications in the area of forest and Svatoborského occupy high ground At a crossroads, which placed self-propelled artillery opening fire on a Cheb Franzensbad. After a brief struggle with the country compared to the Holy Cross and the village of enemy troops enter Cheb, where he unleashes intense infantry fighting from house to house. To ensure rapid progress are overthrown Cheb napalm bombs from aircraft and F-4 Tornado, which ignite a large part of the city. At the same time advancing enemy tanks attacked eight Mi-24V of 3 51st Squadron VRP located at the airport Karlovy Vary, which helps Šturm missiles and S-24 to destroy 19 tanks and a helicopter to lose intervention Stinger missiles. The crew, helicopter pilots npor. Štefan Pisarčikovi, por operator. Milan Navrátil and por-board technology. Stanislav Roubal manage to crash land, but when rescue severely injured por. Restored, the crew is captured by soldiers from the affected unit and shot. Other crew died when the helicopter is in low level Tornado hit the enemy. Pilot and operator intervention die in helicopter missile AIM-9 to the front of hull, deck techniques burned after impact, because it is unable to extricate from the wreckage of the helicopter. Shortly after 19 hour is filled Cheb Town Hall Square and George of Podebrady prochartistická coalition declares Cheb periods of the city. Last resistance in the city ends up encircled the surrender of the last units in the station CSLA morning at 06:25. The other units are able to pass crushed defense CSLA, occupy Franzensbad and debris from the destruction of Panzer Division withdrawn to Vojanova concluded cauldron motostřelecké encircling two divisions of Aše CSLA. You receive before entering the boiler orders to counterattack and try to puncture back to unoccupied territory. Without the support of the Air Force begin their attack at 23:10 in the area of the village clearing, but then suddenly faces a German panzer division přesunující to attack in the direction Luby, which they attempt to break frustrates and causes heavy losses of troops CSLA. CSLA remaining troops are pulling back to around and over Adorf and Zwota with the acquiescence of the GDR evacuate the city north of Easter egg Lub.

Mostly infantry attacking from the rally in Waldmünchen CSLA can stop shortly after crossing the border in the area Nemanice. You say the coalition can possess, but then they are in the process in the direction Domažlice forced to attempt to break the trench walls Czech forest. Due to dense vegetation units were excluded from the massive air support, so without knowing the marshy terrain virtually stopped their advance on defensive line made up of hills Herštejn-old rock-relaying Plešné. Odštěpeným units was able to briefly occupy the town Envy, but high losses are forced to download and Envy falls back into the hands of CSLA. Before nightfall on business Nemanice raid MiG-23BN of 28 sbolp accompanied MiGs-21bis of 9 slp. Managed to kill most of the collected supply trucks and several tanks Challenger and Leopard. Three-23BN MiGs shot down but are hlídkujícími Mirage fighters even before the after the destruction of four of them manage MiG 9th slp drive. One of the MiG-23 explodes after being hit by missile Magic in the air, along with his pilot por. Jaroslav Long. The second MiG-23 pilot whose por. Jiri Dusek was killed by cannon fire from Aden to uncontrolled crash near the top of the foundry. Latest MiG Magic missile ignites an explosion near his body, but the pilot por. Frantisek Peterka gradually collapsing plane can make up to a landing area for agricultural Luženiček where an emergency landing. Pilot escaping without injury, but the airplane burned completely.

The third point of attack is focused on the Freyung Prachatice. Enemy troops crossing Kunžvartské saddle and occupy the village guard, which he released a trip around neprůchodného Splavského peat. In the subsequent attack on the village Horní Vltavice and Lenora are attacked by two tank divisions supported by aircraft Su-25K at 30 bilp and 31 bilp. and Mi-24 helicopters from the 11th VRP escorted MiGs-21MF and bis of 5 slp / 9 slp. CSLA units with the following tank battle managed to destroy more than one hundred and fifty armored vehicles. Samy lost over a hundred of its own armor. The air battle over the battlefield before nightfall, then managed to shoot more than eleven A-10 aircraft and 9 accompanying F-15C and F-16C during the actual loss of eight aircraft Su-25, three Mi-24 helicopters and six MiG-21bis. In combat, particularly distinguished por. Pavol Stefanik of 30 bilp, who managed not only to destroy six enemy armor, but then the pair of aircraft A-10. The first of them shot down a missile R-60 aircraft that picked the right engine and crippled its management system. The pilot, Capt.. Francis Hammer, ejected from the aircraft and succeeded in our way back to their own units. The second plane managed lt. Martin Gettym fell victim to gun volley from the Su-25, which hit the fuselage and cockpit airplane crashed on Elm Hill. Pilot nekatapultoval. With the upcoming twilight air combat commit iniquity. The fighting on the ground continue undiminished rate.

Last sequences of attack came out of the Austrian rally towards Freistadt Czech Budejovice. Unlike previous assault units nevyrazily one direction, but is divided into two groups. The first one went through the pass and attacked Vyšší Brod Brod Force, which protect CSLA Infantry Division. This was after a two-hour fight from Vyšší pushed out and Higher Brod Brod was occupied by hostile forces. A second group occupied the transmitter Šibeniční hill village Dolní Dvořiště and then began to proceed west to Rožmberk nad Vltavou, where you have two groups meet. After the merger, and Rosenberg occupied units in both groups began a joint approach to the north Kaplice. However, there has been in the area of the Šumava Rožmitál to conflict with the Czechoslovak Army tank division, which had attempted to stop the enemy units. She was then forced to retreat, but her actions allow regrouping and preparing the two divisions in the area motostřeleckých Kaplice to reflect subsequent cessation of hostility and progress in this direction, which is managed shortly before midnight. During the fighting the enemy warplanes attacked two groups of fighters 19th SLP, which shot down four planes A-10, two Tornadoes and three F-15C. Themselves, then lost five MiG-21MF. Shortly before dusk over Vyšší Brod and Rožmberkem emerged aircraft Su-22M4 and Su-7BM/BKL of 20 sbolp and 6 sbolp without fighter escort. The aircraft carried out an extensive attack against enemy ground forces and bridges in the area. Most sensitive for damage caused by two Su-7 from the 6 sbolp. Their bombs destroy the Vyšší Brod field storage of fuel and munitions, including vehicles, so the possibility of enemy forces in combat operations in the area have severely limited to less than 24 hours. Unprotected aircraft but suffered heavy losses from patrolling enemy fighters, who managed to shoot down five aircraft Su-22M4 aircraft and nine Su-7BM/BKL.

During the night, Czechoslovakia was bombed again, the F-117 and the new missile missiles BGM-109 Tomahawk. Affected by the factory CKD Praha, Aero Vodochody, Zbrojovka Brno, machinery plant in Adam, Škoda Works in Pilsen and Mlada Boleslav, Vitkovice iron and mining installation Kladno and Ostrava. Was also attacked Žatec Airport, Prague-Kbely, Caslav, Náměšť nad Oslavou and Přerov but all suffered very slight damage to ground forces managed to fix the dawn.

At 23:00 from the airport Namest nad Oslavou began to lift aircraft Su-24M entered on 4 and 5 20th squadron sbolp. Their task was to carry out air strikes on selected cities in Germany. The bombing was the city of Nuremberg, Regensburg, Munich, Ulm and Frankfurt (aircraft while returning from a raid on a stopover in Frankfurt made from Saaz immediately after refueling Náměšť back to continue the celebrations). When air raid on Munich after the overthrow of the anti-aircraft artillery fire, bombs ignited Su-24M aircraft with crew pilot maj. František Vyskocil and operator kpt. Tatiana Lešková. Airplane pilot guided the airplane on the Munich central station and two crew members made a successful ejection. The aircraft landed on railroad terminal building that partly collapsed, and in which 24 civilians were killed and at least 40 others were injured. Maj. Francis jumped up and Cpt. Tatiana Lešková parachute landed on the streets of the city and immediately captured.

Perhaps this translation is sufficient