
An interesing idea for a diorama...

Started by puddingwrestler, December 20, 2009, 07:49:35 PM

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If you go to page 16 of this, the nov. 1960 issue of Popular Mechanics, you'll find an article which I think could lead to an interesting diorama or in flight display. Which would porbably annoy the JMN as well! Bonus!

Page 74 is also interesting... I want such a bike!

And page 148... because it is totally bizzare, yet strangely cool.
There are no good kits, bad kits or grail kits, just kitbash fodder.


Quote from: puddingwrestler on December 20, 2009, 07:49:35 PM
If you go to page 16 of this, the nov. 1960 issue of Popular Mechanics, you'll find an article which I think could lead to an interesting diorama or in flight display. Which would porbably annoy the JMN as well! Bonus!

Why would it annoy the JMN? Most of the serious modellers I know who would have JMN appended to them by some of
the people on this board are probably familiar with both the F8F and F8U incidents. Personally I've been aware of them
since I was in my early teens.

Doc Yo

  I think I might have heard about the Crusader, but the Corsair story is a new one. Thanks, PW.


The next issue (dec 60) has another interesting article - the cover story is about the model making hobby and it's rise to become America's number one hobby (having ousted stamp collecting). It's a rather interesting look at the state of the industry at the time, especially some of the kits produced and the great Starfighter drought (Starfighters did something really cool that year - went supersonic and looked good doing it or something, so every man and his dog wanted a model of one and supply could not keep up).
There are no good kits, bad kits or grail kits, just kitbash fodder.

Doc Yo

 I think I actually have the issue with the scale modelling article. Old PM/PSs/ etc. are mighty entertaining,
especially during the cold war years.