whiffs on Armorama

Started by raafif, June 25, 2011, 06:44:39 PM

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only a few posts at the top of their page are active but 2 new ones ...
Very big pics so just the links here -- very good stuff so he should be over here if he isn't already.


Jumbo-turret Abrams
you may as well all give up -- the truth is much stranger than fiction.

I'm not sick ... just a little unwell.


Love the SPG. It totally looks feasible.

Poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part...

More into Flight Sim reskinning these days, but still what-iffing... Leading Edge 3D


The SPG is super, very 'Diana'ish.  The M1 looks reminiscent of the newer versions of the Leopard.

Thanks for sharing.




Same fellow created this:

How to reduce carbon emissions - Tip #1 - Walk to the Bar for drinks.


Yikes, looks a shade top heavy (and not in a good way :wacko:)




I wonder if its meant to be SciFi?   Its quite well made - the attention to detail such as the ejection chutes is hight but I agree, its rather top heavy.
How to reduce carbon emissions - Tip #1 - Walk to the Bar for drinks.

Jacques Deguerre

That Abrams makes me think of a more sleek version of the "big turret" CATTB vehicle. I'm not generally a fan of the trend towards "Would you like a little more turret with that hull?" but I like how he modeled the turret face.

The SP gun seems like a logical design that might be a worthy contender to replace the M109. Given the great internecine battle that resulted in the cancellation of both the Crusader and the NLOS-C, I have a feeling such "logical" solutions are not in vogue at present. :-\
Some clever and amusing quote goes here.

Joe C-P

The SPG is almost Gerry Anderson-esque.

Why the oversized turret on the Abrams?
In want of hobby space!  The kitchen table is never stable.  Still managing to get some building done.


Quote from: rickshaw on June 26, 2011, 05:43:58 AM
Same fellow created this:

Can you imagine that on convoy protection duty? ;D
All hail the God of Frustration!!!


"Imagination is the one weapon in the war against reality." -Jules de Gaultier

"My model is right! It's the real world that's wrong!" -global warming scientist

An armor guy, who builds airplanes almost exclusively, that he converts to space fighters-- all while admiring ship models.


I'm sure I've seen that one in a magazine.
All hail the God of Frustration!!!

Mike Wren

Quote from: GTX on November 13, 2011, 01:19:40 AM
I'm sure I've seen that one in a magazine.
stained-glass window monthly? I also have a subscription..  ;)


I didn't think crazy-paving came into vogue till much later than 1945  :lol:
you may as well all give up -- the truth is much stranger than fiction.

I'm not sick ... just a little unwell.


I don't think it's nice, you laughin'. You see, my mule don't like people laughin'. He gets the crazy idea you're laughin' at him. Now if you apologize, like I know you're going to, I might convince him that you really didn't mean it.

Captain Canada

Wow....some nice stuff in here. That last one is going to be huge !!

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?