All White NASA SR-71 Blackbird

Started by Flanker37, February 24, 2010, 01:21:37 PM

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I've just been reading the Squadron Signal book.  And there is a small photo of a model Lockheed built. A Gloss white SR-71 with Blue stripes running down the length of the fuselage and the nacels.

Ive googled for more pics, but i cant find any.  It would be an interesting model to make, instead of the plain ol' boring black scheme.

anyone have more pics/sources or fancy doing some Profiles?


on a slight deviation, but linked due to "unseen" schemes?

In the book below there is mention of "unseen" Sr-71/A-12 camo......   

Anyonw seen either before?



Found this at Birdseyetourist which says it is a NASA bird.

The page link is here if you want to click on it and see where this is located.
Phil Peterson

Vote for the Whiffies

Sentinel Chicken

I think that white in the Birdseye view is from some sort of Spraylat protective coating than a color scheme.


I'm wondering why they painted it in black and not white.  White reflects heat, black absorbs the heat then re-emits it...  But wouldn't that mean the plane would heat up before re-emitting heat?  If you just reflected it away outright, wouldn't that be preferable?
That being said, I'd like to remind everybody in a manner reminiscent of the SNL bit on Julian Assange, that no matter how I die: It was murder (even if there was a suicide note or a video of me peacefully dying in my sleep); should I be framed for a criminal offense or disappear, you know to blame.


The Blackbird heated up from kinetic heating (friction with the air) so it was necessary to radiate the heat away as soon as possible.
Plus, off course, it LOOKS so much cooler in Black.

Alle kunst ist umsunst wenn ein engel auf das zundloch brunzt!!

Sic biscuitus disintegratum!

Cats are not real. 
They are just physical manifestations of collisions between enigma & conundrum particles.

Any aircraft can be improved by giving it a SHARKMOUTH!

Sentinel Chicken

Didn't the Blackbird use the same iron-ball ferrite based paint as the U-2 fleet?