
entry #2: Nationalist Me262B

Started by Spey_Phantom, April 03, 2010, 07:02:55 AM

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ok, for my second entry (if at all possible) im gonna build a Spanish Nationalist Me262 Night Fighter.
just got back from the LHS and got me a Revell 1/72 Me262B Fresh of the shelf and onto the bench.
i was originally planning on building a nationalist FW190, but maybe if i have time left, it might become my 3rd entry  :mellow:

pic of the box, for markings im gonna try to use the one's i got in the Revell 1/72 He70 kit  :mellow:
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


started building, beginning with the cockpit and the wings.

the primer painted parts for the cockpit are now drying, wing assembly is drying to.
thinking of giving it an overall light grey color scheme like the Me109's had.

below are a pair of pics from the progress.

and here's the back story:

as of october 1945, the republicans have been conducting nighttime bombing missions over nationalist territory. the newly aquired lancaster and B-24 bombers were mainly used to bomb the Nationalists airfields at night, making it impossible for them to take off during the daytime. to help cope with the Problem, Franco visited Germany to start talks with Adolf Hitler, asking him to increase supplies for spain and reinforcements for the Condor Legion. but with the Allied forces closing in on Germany, he didnt want to hand out the reserves so quickly. however he did managed to arange something with Goering.

since the German Luftwaffe was currently recieving newer and more advanced jet powered day and night fighters, this would make a number of Me262's available, as the Luftwaffe wasnt to satisfied with the aircraft. so Franco has managed to make an agreement with the nazi's, they would trade an ammount of natural resources (Oil, Gas, fruit,..) in exchange for war equipment. the first nightfighter that the nationalists recieved was the 2-seat Messerschmitt Me262B, of witch 31 were transfered from German stocks. the aircraft was to be used as a trainer/fighter by day in order to convert pilots coming from the FW190 and Bf109's. as of April 1946, the Nationalist Air Force had 1 squadron with 16 aircraft at its disposal. as soon as the first Me262B entered service, it was a great succes, republican bombers were shot down in large number, sometimes 12 in 1 night. SRAF losses were high that as of october 1946, all night operations have been suspended. when the Nationalist forces claimed victory in 1948, Me262 night fighters shot down over 198 bombers and 15 meteor NF.11's. after the war, they were converted to full trainers and served with the newly unified Spanish Air Force up until 1961.
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


ive got a couple of pictures, the cockpit is fully contructed and fitted into the fuselage halves, im about to put the wings on aswell  :mellow:

i havent done a lot of work on the cockpit, as it will be closed up, you wont be able to see any of the details from the panels through the canopy railing.
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.



yes, she's still alive, and since my Luftwaffe GB entries are as good as done, im gonna continue with this build.
the landing gear was fitted this morning, im about to start paintwork on the bottom of the aircraft. this afternoon im gonna look at painting the wheels and nose gear.

overall paint scheme is still gonna be grey with a light blue underside.
here's a pic, more soon  :mellow:
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


NOSEWHEEL FAIL!  :banghead:

i just noticed something, ive mounted the nosewheel bay back to front  :banghead:
nevertheless, its to late to fix it now, but i think i couls say it was moved in that direction in order to install better radar electronics in the front section of the fuselage  ;D

anyway, the bottom of the aircraft is now completly painted and decalled and the top part has recieved a first coat of grey. tomorrow im gonna apply a second coat before slaping on the decals  :mellow:

nose, wingtips and tail rudder have also been painted white, but will need a 2nd coat  -_-
more pics bellow.....
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Cliffy B

She's a beaut man!  What's your opinion on the Revell kit?  I've got one in the stash but haven't started yet.  Any problems during construction?
"Helos don't fly.  They vibrate so violently that the ground rejects them."
-Tom Clancy

"Radial's Growl, Inline's Purr, Jet's Suck!"

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Quote from: Cliffy B on May 16, 2010, 12:38:03 PM
She's a beaut man!  What's your opinion on the Revell kit?  I've got one in the stash but haven't started yet.  Any problems during construction?
well the kit is pretty nice, detailed cockpit, the fit is quite good to. its a verry easy and straight forward kit to build  ;D
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.

Army of One

Great looking model there....like the colours.........great model from Revell as is the single seater at a bargain price....!! I think your 'mistake' is ok.....the different sit of the plane looks good  ;D



One seriously nice looking plane there. Nicely done
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If you go into battle knowing you will die, then you will live. If you go into battle hoping to live, then you will die