ASR Aircraft Numbers Query

Started by Cobra, May 29, 2010, 11:01:48 PM

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Hey Guys, a Small Question just popped into my Head. Would it be Alright to use Numbers on the Side & Wings of Aircraft used for Air Sea Rescue? my plans are to do some Planes as ASR roled and was Wondering if i should or Shouldn't use Numbers for near the Cockpit of the ASR Planes. Can Anyone give me an Answer,Please? Thanks for looking.Dan


Dan, for RAF & USCG aircraft, all I've ever seen is the relevant Serial Number on the aircraft sides.  I don't believe the USCG repeats these on the wings, and given that most RAF SAR aircraft are Helos, there's no indication that the serial is reproduced there either.  That said, early post war RAF aircraft routinely carried serials below their lower wings, so perhaps a fixed wing SAR bird would be marked as such.




The painting of the Aircraft Serial Number under the wings of post war British aircraft was to cut down on reckless flying that started to take place shortly after the war in Europe finished. This being achieved by allowing any ground based observer to be able to read the serial number of the aircraft for when they reported the low flying incident.
Lancaster ASR 3's followed this practice as did the Shackleton's and Nimrod's until the relevant instructions changed the camouflage and hence marking of the aircraft's serial under the wings.
Further to this, the Lancaster initially carried full Squadron and aircraft Letter code on the fuselage though as the camouflage instructions changed and the Shackleton was introduced the marking changed to just the individual aircraft's code letter in one colour which represented the squadron that the aircraft flew with, I also remember that during the life of the Shackleton the Number of the Squadron was painted on the fuselage side and the aircraft's individual code letter was painted on the forward fuselage, though I may be wrong on this part as I am writing this from memory.
Lots of information about the markings and colour schemes used appear in the instructions for the Aeroclub decal sheet for the Shackleton which is intended to be used with their MR2/AEW2 conversion set.

Hope this helps

My Ability to Imagine is only exceeded by my Imagined Abilities

Gondor's Modelling Rule Number Three: Everything will fit perfectly untill you apply glue...

I know it's in a book I have around here somewhere....


Guys, the Reason i asked is because in a Few Episodes of Thunderbirds, the ASR Jet was seen with the Numbers on the Wings.the Following is from TV Century21 website. the Address hope you understand why i asked.Dan