
What-If Provoke Cup 2010

Started by Darkfold, July 12, 2010, 12:42:02 PM

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Hi everybody!

Czech What-If SiG would like to invite you to What-If Provoke Cup which will proceed in czech modellers server www.modelforum.cz

We will build as what-if models which will be voted from this five candidates:

MiG-15 (Hobby Boss)
P-51D (Hobby Boss)
P-51D (Academy)
La-7 (Eduard)
Z-42 (Hobby Boss)

and winner of this votes will be proclaimed on Wednesday, 14th July.You can vote and discuss in this topic:


Day of start will be proclaimed after votes so you can prepare your kits for start of challenge.

Of course, every modifications of kits are allowed!


Once you've visited the land of the Loonies, a return is never far away.....

Still His (or Her) Majesty, Queen Caroline of the Midlands, Resident Drag Queen


Votes passed and winner is.........MiG-15bis or UTI from Hobbyboss.

Cup started in 17.7.2010 and ends at midnight 23.9.2010.Public presentation of models will be on traditional exhibition Křivonoska which is organized at 24.9.2010 in camp few kilometers north from Budweiss (not from beer :) )

Builds will be presented here:


and we will bring you regular report about builds.

We will be pleased that you join this action and build with us.

Let's kit!