Building the Hawker P1152

Started by Geoff_B, April 30, 2004, 05:33:49 AM

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Hi Guys

Seeing it looks like i'll need to build another 1152 for cloning purposes i thought i would detail the build so you can see how i created this 5 engined beast. To begin with i'll outline the materials required and the tools i use. Next i will put up the drawing i used then i'll detail the build. Once i get this 2nd one to the same level as the first , i shall then continue building the original one as this 2nd one will not get final assembly as its parts will be needed for casting.

Step 1: - Parts Required

The bulk of my 1152 is scratch built from various thinknesses of plastic card, primary being 40thou (1mm) thick, with thinner pieces used for other details and scraps of 60 thou used to shore up certain areas that may require heavy shaping or support the undercarriage.

The Nose and fwd fuselage are from a 1/72 Hasegawa F-4E Phantom. Not a great kit as its an earlier one of theirs but its ideal for the 1152 scratch build. The VTOL nozzels are liberated from a Harrier (rear set) and the fairing for the nozzel is from an F-4 drop tank. Originally i had an Airfix Mirage 2000 jet pipe for the 1152 but just found that the fed part of the italeri Su-34 will fit a little better and it also allows for a 2nd 1152 . The rest of the Su-34 has provided wings for the HS1202 and the armament will be used on the 1.44

To act as structural strength for the 1152 i have used a length of 20mm diameter PVC conduit cut to the correct length. Arrond this the main fuselage will be assembled and shaped.

Tools Used:-

Various modelling knives, modeller files, a nice decent heavy duty file (wood work or metal work one), modelling filler putty (which ever you prefer - i use Humbrol and Squadron white, where others may prefer Miliput or something similar). Various grades of wet-n-dry sandpaper and liquid poly and superglue.

Thus ends part 1

G B)


Part II

The Drawing !!!

Length should be 29cm overall and span 16.9cm for rhe RN version and 19 for the RAF. Oohhh just remebered it was RAF as well so that should give some people some ideas for land based variants.


Geoff B

(I'shall show the first steps later)


Sorry about that , the fine weekend and a salvage job on a vacform 1121 have distracted me from starting the 1152 build. The 1121 was a part started vacform i picked up off ebay , but the guy had over sanded in places (way too much in some cases) Managed to get it together and sitting on its wheels so thats another Hawker what-if to the collection.

Now what scheme do i do it in ?, anything but NMF as we already have one on the stand.


Firstly anybody interested in joining me in doing this build first ? as that will dictate how i build it ?


Geoff B B)  



how about something from the wrap=around camo period?  I need to acquire a second one to build as a two-seater.  I've also been doodling an alternate, side-by-side two-seater version as a "technical exercise".  I do think I'd do one design change for the strike version and carry the "special store" semi-recessed on the centerline, ala' F-107, rather than under one wing.
"Reality is the leading cause of stress amongst those in touch with it."
--Jane Wagner and Lily Tomlin

Martin H

Quote"special store"
The RAF used to call em target markers. And the realy do leave a mark on the target  :P  
I always hope for the best.
experience has taught me to expect the worst.

Size (of the stash) matters.

IPMS (UK) What if? SIG Leader.
IPMS (UK) Project Cancelled SIG Member.



Hi Evan

Yeah the two seater sounds interesting, there appears to be some variation on the design in Buttlers books on various 1121 two seat proposals with wing podded wheels. The side by side would look interestingas i think the fusealge could support it.

Heritage & Whirlybird are likely to reissue the 1121 next year, not sure if it will be the Vac or converted to resin however as the 1154 is next on their list after the 188.

Camo scheme is a dead cert, just not sure which one as yet.


Geoff B B)



Hi Evan

Yeah the two seater sounds interesting, there appears to be some variation on the design in Buttlers books on various 1121 two seat proposals with wing podded wheels. The side by side would look interestingas i think the fusealge could support it.

Heritage & Whirlybird are likely to reissue the 1121 next year, not sure if it will be the Vac or converted to resin however as the 1154 is next on their list after the 188.

Camo scheme is a dead cert, just not sure which one as yet.


Geoff B B)

If I remember correctly, the Maintrack kit had the "target marker" under the wing and a fuel tank under the fuselage.  I always thought that a poor idea since it gave you a distinct weight imbalance after dropping it.

I was thinking of using the Hunter 2-seat conversion as a starting point, but using the canopy from a two-seat Lightning convesion to get the more sloping front.   I also want to do a tandem seat version or two.  *G* If someone cares to try doing a conversion for a two-seat F-107, the Ginter book has some good drawings and, again somewhere, I have better drawings that the author supplied some years back when we were working together.
"Reality is the leading cause of stress amongst those in touch with it."
--Jane Wagner and Lily Tomlin


Two seat F-107?  Oh yeah baby let's see it!

If I get the courage, a F-107G Weasel in SEA colors.

Mmmmmm  Weasel. :wub:  :wub:  :wub:



Building the 1152 Step 2:The nose

Ok guys time to dig out the razor saws. As you will note the hasegawa phantom kit is the E/EJ/F variety as the slender nose is more like 1152 shape, a C/D or K/M will be too wide for our needs.

The nose needs to be cut in line with the intakes leaving a step in the lower fuselage. The Gun Pod needs the be removed from the lower nose and the fwd undercarriage bay need to be moved aft in line with the step.

The cockpit can be assembled as is but remember to remove the locating lug on the bottom first as this is designed to mate with undercarriage bay which will now be some way further back. The space left by the repositioned U/C bay and removed gun housing will need to be blanked off with plastic card ready for filling once the nose halves are assembled. It is also recomended to fill up the lower nose cone is this is rather thin on its lower surface and may get puntured dring the shaping process. (Dont forget to add a nose weight :dum:  at this stage).

Some may feel like detailing and painting the cockpit as this stage. On a normal kit i would but the nature of the scratch build means a great amount of plastic and filler dust so please seal off the detailed cockpit once its painted unless you want it ruined.

Ok time for me to start cutting, i'll shall do another update once i have done the steps described above.

On the photo you'll also note that i have cut a length of 20mm diameter tubing 16.2cm long. This will be our jet pipe and the basis of our main fuselage.


Geoff B B)


BTW  If anybody wishes to have copies of the drawings then send us a PM for the scaled up versions that i use.


Geoff B. B)  


Looking great Geoff!

What would be nice would be to take the whole series when done and do an article in it, as a "How-to scratchbuilt something".  We could put it up on the site.

Can'T wait to see the rest!

:wub:  B)  


Hi Ollie

QuoteWhat would be nice would be to take the whole series when done and do an article in it, as a "How-to scratchbuilt something". We could put it up on the site.

Thats the General Idea, to show how i create one of these scratch builds. most of you will have slightly different techniques or use different materials so i'm just showing how i approached building this model. Others my find easier ways or better donner kits.

So far i have done the chopping to the Phantom fuselage so just a bit of filling required to sure up the nose and i'll do some more shots.


Geoff b B)  


Sorry for the delay on the next step, just need to set the camera up to do the next shot of the nose before i cement it together and the main fuselage assembly as i've constructed the core of it now.

In the mean time i have done a little add-on for the TSR-2 based on a drawing for a glide variant of the Blue Water missile.


QuoteVery nice that, I think that's another one to pass to Joe, and given what it's intended for, it should grab him by the clems.

Yeah but you'll have to do another TSR-2 with a weapons bay so it can be mounted - first !!!!! :rolleyes:


Thor B)  


Building the 1153 :- Step 3 the Fuselage

Ok i have the nose ready to assemble (once i add nose weight of course) as the final shaping is best done once its together as the sparroe troughs and the filled in space from the gun  together with the re-located U/C bay now needs to be filled using the appropriate putty/filler.

Whilst this is drying attention can now be focused on the main body of the fuselage. This consists of a length of 20mm diameter uPVC tube (Round Conduit from B&Q) 16.2 cm long. A box is assmbled from 40 thou plastic card to encase the tube. Don't forget to fill in the corners with scrap plastic card as tthe aft end will under go some serious sanding and shaping. The top of the box structure stands proud of the tube to allow a wing box to be created later. Again the corners are filled in using lengths of 40thou cut to length, this is because this will slso be sanded down in places both at the aft and in merging the two halves of the fuselage togeether.

My next step will be to fill the wing box area will filler to get a smother surface then build it up fore and aft so a flat piece can be fitted over.

Once this is ready we can look at merfging the two parts together and building up the fuselage sides for the air intakes, lift engines, main Undercarriage bays and the lower bomb recesses.