
IPMS USA NATIONALS 4-7August 2010 Phoenix, AZ- Lets start planning

Started by dragon, October 20, 2009, 10:27:07 PM

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I plan on attending (only a 12 hour or so drive for me).  Do we have any "Whiffers" living in the greater Phoenix Area?
Who else is planning on attending?
"As long as people are going to call you a lunatic anyway, why not get the benefits of it?  It liberates you from convention."- from the novel WICKED by Gregory Maguire.
"I must really be crazy to be in a looney bin like this" - Jack Nicholson in the movie ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO'S NEST


I live here, hopefully any whatiffers will be able to come over for a bbq while you are here !  We've talked a bit about having a couple of sig tables as well as entering. Any thoughts ?


Looking forward to this if I can afford it.

Thread already started here.

We are planning 2 SIG tables but there won't be any seating with them per the Fire Marshall (bugger). 

Here is a copy of the letter Scooterman sent the organizers with some of the plans.

Mr. Collins,

My name is Brad Hoskin.  I will be attending the Nationals this year and plan on having some guests with me and hopefully some exciting displays to show.

I understand Phil Peterson of the What If SIG as already been in contact with you about having a display.  I have been in contact with him and told him of the plans listed below which expand on space he talked to you about.

My guests - accommodations already booked  -  will be making their pilgrimage to the IPMS USA Nationals for the first time.  They both have experience in transporting (and repairing!) models in airline hold and hand luggage!

Guest 1 is Dr Ricardo T Caballero, from Buenos Aires.  He would like to offer a Fuerza Aerea Argentina (and Comando de la Aviaci=F3n Naval) display.

Guest 2 is his co-author of a forthcoming book on the Pucara, Phil Cater, from the UK.  He is the IPMS UK SIG leader of the South African Air Force SIG.  The current display theme is East Africa 1940/41, a rather obscure campaign, likely to be completely new to most visitors...
This was shown at the last UK ScaleModelWorld show in Telford.

Phil C. would also like to represent his branch, IPMS Brampton.  This club punches way over its weight in the UK, having no less than ten IPMS UK SIG Leaders within its ranks, which he would like to showcase.

Phil C. is also the founder of the well-established IPMS UK Harrier SIG.  I head up the USA side of this SIG - with many models at my disposal - and I can confirm that the display will also benefit from the enthusiastic support of the current UK SIG Leader, Nick Greenall, who will kindly supply very high quality handouts, laminates etc.

Finally, I will be bringing (and count on support from other US modelers) an extensive 'What If' SIG display, another UK aberration...

Ideally, we would like to mount these displays in a row of tables against a wall, with seating room behind.  I know this might be a bit of a problem from your reply to Phil Peterson but if another arrangement can be made  with seating, we will work with it.  The Brampton display might use an electric picture frame and WIF has a laptop to run profiles from some of our Virtual Modelers -if a power outlet can be supplied.

(8 ft) table requirements would be - WIF 2, Harrier 2, SAAF 2, Argentina 1, IPMS Brampton 'Mighty War Machine' 1, totaling 8.
I hope you are able to accommodate this for my overseas visitors, myself, and the SIGs and clubs we represent.

Brad 'Scooterman' Hoskin
IPMS/USA  #34556

Unfortunately, we can't get around the chair issue and Roger the Cabin Boy (Phil C) is wondering if it is worth bringing all the stuff, paying the baggage fees and the table fees ($10 per table for an 18" wide table and 96" long) and not being able to sit and chat around the models.  I think if they will waive the table fee, it would make it a little more likely RTCB will still bring his stuff.  I hope so as the other displays sound very interesting.  Also know the Classic British Kits SIG is planning a table or two.
Phil Peterson

Vote for the Whiffies


RtCB is still bringing stuff.  His approach to no chairs to sit, and paying for display tables was 'BUGGER ALL-LET'S DO THIS' to show the punters what REAL modeling is all about.  And I kinda agree..... ;D


Found out some stuff today.

They are moving to a bigger space and sounds like the Vendors and Contest will be in the same room.  Downside is no carpet on the floor.

However, since it is a bigger space, I have already asked the question if there will be now be room for chairs for the SIG tables.  Keep your fingers crossed.
Phil Peterson

Vote for the Whiffies


Here is the latest on the SIG tables.

Indeed it does, Philip. I'm glad to say that the SIG tables will now be 30" tables with chairs. Hope this makes your experience better.


Phil Peterson

Vote for the Whiffies



Thanks for keeping up wtih this Phil.  PM incomming.


Sounds great !  The venue is actually quite nice...tons of foot traffic, and a lot of time to screw with the jmn's...


Well, I am booked and registered :thumbsup:
Will get into town on Wednesday, do the PIMA/AMARC tour on Thursday and leave on Sunday.
Hope to spend a bit of time manning the table(s), meeting some fellow whiffers, trying to get to some of my favorite restaurants in the area, and probably will get tasked with taking pics for the IPMS/USA website again (time consuming but you get to see everything).

How about a headcount of who is going to make it?
Phil Peterson

Vote for the Whiffies


Me.   ;D  And since I think he forgot this website, Roger the Cabin Boy.

We also get into town on Wednesday (we're doing Pima/AMARC on the drive in on Tuesday) but we have to leave late morning Sat. 


Tonight we had our IPMS Fremont Hornets meeting.  They were very impressed by the Whiffer table. I do believe that more of the of the members have been bitten by the whiff bug.  Expect more "Hypotheticals" from the Hornets in the future. 

Congrats to those brave whiffers at the Nats.
"As long as people are going to call you a lunatic anyway, why not get the benefits of it?  It liberates you from convention."- from the novel WICKED by Gregory Maguire.
"I must really be crazy to be in a looney bin like this" - Jack Nicholson in the movie ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO'S NEST

Martin H

Quote from: dragon on August 13, 2010, 11:25:01 PM
Tonight we had our IPMS Fremont Hornets meeting.  They were very impressed by the Whiffer table. I do believe that more of the of the members have been bitten by the whiff bug.  Expect more "Hypotheticals" from the Hornets in the future. 

Congrats to those brave whiffers at the Nats.

Pass the following message on to the Hornets :)

Welcome to the dark side.
I always hope for the best.
experience has taught me to expect the worst.

Size (of the stash) matters.

IPMS (UK) What if? SIG Leader.
IPMS (UK) Project Cancelled SIG Member.


At our latest IPMS San Diego meeting last Friday, winners of IPMS Nationals plaques proudly displayed their trophies and models. One of our guys, David...er, forgot his last name, won the Judge's "Best of Show" and swept the spacecraft and scratchbuilt categories with his Apollo rocket (shown below). We've been watching this project come together (a year of incredibly hard work), piece by piece, and....WOW! Judges "Best of Show" means that, in the opinion of the judges, that this was THE BEST MODEL IN THE UNITED STATES this year.

Congrats to all that entered, participated, showed up, or even THOUGHT about it!

PS--I couldn't go to the Nats, but one of our members handed me a "What-if Modelers" business card that he picked up for me (didn't know I was already part of the group, I suppose). Glad to see that SOMEONE from our group got to go!
My mind is like a compost heap: both "fertile" and "rotten"!


Phil Peterson

Vote for the Whiffies


The American Patrol column in the October issue of SAMI mentions our very own Phil Cater (Roger the Cabin Boy) and thanks him for bringing the Twiglets  :blink: ;D
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.