
Be show'n' ye' strange scriblin's here [Finished Profiles/Stories]

Started by GTX, August 27, 2010, 09:55:14 PM

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 Ye' be showin' ya' finished Profiles or stories here, ya scurvy dog! Aye, me parrot concurs.

Captain Greg, The Beardless One
All hail the God of Frustration!!!


(this be moved here :lol:)
yarr!!! Pirate-FA(Sukhoi T-50 PAK-FA)

ahoy mateys!

this be me plane ya sculleywags!

dusk raider


this be its victims

"Have a nice day!"

"Oh S%$#! It's a shark!"

"Uskok", "I like vodka"(how often do you see a shark nose paint with an eyepatch?)

"This used to be from the Russian Federation"

"Surrender or die!"


this beauty be named, "Red Akula", "Uskok", "rouge corsair", "sneaky backstabbin' b$^$#(*", "bloody pirate scum" by them chickengut landlubbers

now for some bedtime story lads and lassies!

the year be 2025, there be 2 bored slavs and that be 2 slavs sick of seein' them landlubbin' scurvy dogs flyin' round that they stole this beauty of a craft whun every bored landlubbin slavs got drunk with polish p&^%(vodka) that none of them sculleywags noticed it be stolen.

they be crossin' d' baltic sea, aye, be vikin' territory... they be chased 'round by them flimsy planes but ya know, they be pathetic slow as sea slugs. they be arivin' at Norway, they got chased by them pigeons but they be blasted away with a (auto)cannon, yarr!!! ha! them yellowdog vikins only be good on lootin women and children!

when the fuel be low, they be sneakin' behind one of them blind dimwit air refuel planes and ransom them for fuel, yarr!!!

they be makin' a stop on their airfield they ransomed and be havin' more fuel!

the craft be painted like sunset and other piraty stuff, yarr! now she turns to a beauty...

then a week later, them Norse chickens called for them manlubbin' french but they be blasted away to smithereens and managed to ransom one of 'em frenchies. yarr! ha! they be learnin' their lesson not to mess with us pirates! arrgh!

the plane also be rumored to ransom a Blackjack and a Raptor when it got a lucky sneak at them cuz both be runnin' low on fuel! It be a shark prowlin' on the sky! Appearin and disappearin to rob ya blind!

Happy piratin!


Nice!  ;D I like the kill markings on the wing and the shark mouth  :thumbsup:
"Imagination is the one weapon in the war against reality." -Jules de Gaultier

"My model is right! It's the real world that's wrong!" -global warming scientist

An armor guy, who builds airplanes almost exclusively, that he converts to space fighters-- all while admiring ship models.




Arr...she be a fine looking ship matey!! That there sharks mouth on the nose makes her look fearful scary me harties.... Death to scurvy landlubbers and the kings men!!!!
If you love, love without reservation; If you fight, fight without fear - THAT is the way of the warrior

If you go into battle knowing you will die, then you will live. If you go into battle hoping to live, then you will die


I had ta finish this here bit o art real quick like, I'm sure it's fine enough for the likes of a bunch of bilge rats such as you. arrrrr.

Captain Doom has officially made his mark.
Jeff G.
Stumbling through life.




Planes... Fast flying, only shoting planes. But pirates need other toys for going aboard hijacked ships: helos.

"Harrr Huey":

And child of weird imagination of modern pirates: Somalian Black Hawk:

Uploaded with ImageShack.us


Phil Peterson

Vote for the Whiffies


Quote from: DaFROG on September 18, 2010, 08:52:18 PM
gyarrr here be a little somt'in' i be throwing together:

It be a pirate tram of yarrrr arrrr trams complete wi' broadside o' 12 pounders.

Gyarr in t' spirit o' things i be piratin' the image from 'ere an' causing teh scurvey watermark to walk t' plank. Yo Ho Ho me hearties


Well it would certainly keep those pesky, smelly passengers off the tram
Mister Bates.. run 'em out the guns.. . loaded with grape !!


I love the pirate tram!  ;D Dapol do a BR railbus which is much the same sort of thing, and could be converted.... :wacko:

It reminds me of the Michael Moorcock's Multiverse graphic novel, where in one mixed-up continuum, there was a highwaywoman holding up trams on Hampstead Heath... ;D
"Things need not have happened to be true. Tales and dreams are the shadow-truths that will endure when mere facts are dust and ashes, and forgot."
 - Sandman: A Midsummer Night's Dream, by Neil Gaiman

"I dunno, I'm making this up as I go."
 - Indiana Jones


Quote from: Weaver on September 21, 2010, 01:07:41 AM
I love the pirate tram!  ;D Dapol do a BR railbus which is much the same sort of thing, and could be converted.... :wacko:

It reminds me of the Michael Moorcock's Multiverse graphic novel, where in one mixed-up continuum, there was a highwaywoman holding up trams on Hampstead Heath... ;D

W class tram models are a popular in melbourne souvenir shops (for out international listeners the W class tram is synonymous with melbourne, so much so that there was a flying one in the opening ceremony of the commonwealth games when they were on in melb, and are still run in the city and on selected routs) but they can be kinda spendy (I usually eye them off then decide thye cost too much). A quick search reveals a number of models online though they seem to either be made by slave labour in third world countries and not terribly accurate (PW has a clock work tinplate "O" guage one from india which is properly proportioned at least) or white metal, intended for model railways and ~$100 AU, or possibly made in eastern europe to order and rare and cost ~$1000. I think i used to have a paper model which i think was either free or a postcard from some Melbourne landmark. in fact i was watching a 1:1 scale one on e-bay a few years ago, just a bit to big to fit in the garage though.


"Things need not have happened to be true. Tales and dreams are the shadow-truths that will endure when mere facts are dust and ashes, and forgot."
 - Sandman: A Midsummer Night's Dream, by Neil Gaiman

"I dunno, I'm making this up as I go."
 - Indiana Jones


Gyarrr fearsom trams them be (and that railbus, a face only a mother could love :wacko: :wacko:).

I'll have to see if i can get some of those trams available for post to Australia, not that i will make pirate versions but they should come in handy for something.

I actually wrote a backstory for the pirate W class tram when i was in school which is why I've been threatening to make a model of one ever since. I still have the story but it's on my computer at home so it'll have to wait a couple of weeks till i get back.