
Builds #2-6 : Dassault et la RAF, une histoire d'amour compliquée

Started by Slerski, August 06, 2010, 09:59:14 AM

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The French are best mates with the Russians, maybe we could get the naval Su-27 variant or Mig-29K. Not too keen on the F/A-18s.


Quote from: PR19_Kit on October 24, 2010, 07:33:55 AM
Quote from: Slerski on October 24, 2010, 07:20:22 AM

RAF will buy Rafales ? :unsure:

Maybe the Fleet Air Arm then, same roundels, different colour scheme.

They have to fly SOMETHING off the new ski-jump-less carriers and the short list is around three aircraft, one of which has to be the Rafale.

Ok !! Don't have FAA decals. And maybe new Rafale for RAF (or FAA) but I think not possible for this GB.
« Le MAGIC, c'est fantastique !! » [Sgt Vincent D., FAF armourer]

« Un Pétaf qui s'ennuie est un Pétaf dangereux... »


All hail the God of Frustration!!!


Will die without understanding this world.


Merci à vous, messieurs (hé hé the French GB, so I can speak french !!)

And finally, the last part of the Dassault's birds.

Build #4
Dassault/BAe Tornado GR.1A
No. 3 Squadron
RAF Gutersloh


Build #5
Dassault/BAe Tornado FG.2
No. 29 Squadron
RAF Coningsby

In 1975, the French Air Force and the Royal Air Force emitted a wish concerning the Future Combat Aircraft (or Avion de Combat Futur in french), to replace a part of their fighter park with a modern fighter adapted to the new threats. Basing on their successful last collaboration, the French and British governments ask Dassault and BAe (formerly BAC) to common work on a new plane answering to their needs.

The main characteristics of the plane stand out very fast and are mainly centred on a single-engined plane, with a delta wing (wish of Dassault) of a weight of 7,5 ton and fitted with electric flight controls (fly-by-wire system). And here is born the new French-British fighter (Tornado in the RAF, Mirage 2000 in the Air Force). Four prototypes are ordered in 1978. They must be powered by the Snecma M53-2 engine while waiting for more powerful M53-5. The first prototype makes its inaugural flight on March 3rd, 1980 and the trial program will show a healthy and very born plane.

The first series plane flies on November 20th, 1983 and the deliveries begin the next year. The operationnal planes are equipped with the Snecma M53-5 jet engine, developing 9500 kgp. The radar suite articulates around the Thomson-Marconi AI.24 Foxhunter radar (Radar Doppler à  Impulsion for the French). The Serval coutermeasures system allows the plane to fight against all the possible threats. She possesses nine hardpoints (five under fuselage and two under each wing) allowing the load of six tons of various weapons. She is also armed with two 30 mm DEFA 550 F4 cannons.

The prototype of the two-seater version is developed with the funds of both manufacturers. She makes her first flight on October 10th, 1982. The main differences concern the removal of the cannons and the modification of the air inlet cones, maintaining fixed, limiting the maximal speed to Mach 1,5. Two versions are issued from this prototype. The first one, intended for the training and the operational conversion, keeps the major part of the electronics of the single version and stay capable of ai defense missions. The second is a specific version developed for the all-weather ground attack at low height. She possesses a strengthened structure and a navigation and weapons system articulating around the Antilope radar, endowed with a terrain-following mode.

RAF receives its first single-seater Tornadoes in 1984 followed in 1986 by the two-seater training version. The ground attack version entered in service in 1987. Quickly planes are deployed in Germany, then participate in the Gulf War and in the operations in the Balkans. They receive a Mid-Life Update in the middle of 2000s (new radar, new EW suite and new armaments), they are planned to serve until 2015, date in which they will definitively be replaced by the new Rafale.

Tornado GR.1A

Tornado F.2

« Le MAGIC, c'est fantastique !! » [Sgt Vincent D., FAF armourer]

« Un Pétaf qui s'ennuie est un Pétaf dangereux... »


Will die without understanding this world.


Everything looks better with the addition of British Roundels!

the Empires Twilight facebook page


"My country, right or wrong; if right, to be kept right; and if wrong, to be set right." - Carl Schurz


All hail the God of Frustration!!!


Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Many thanks messieurs. Finding backstories is always more difficult than building the models, especially when you're not gifted with english like me :)

I wonder if I must post one by one in the finished models or if I can made a single post (for one vote only).
« Le MAGIC, c'est fantastique !! » [Sgt Vincent D., FAF armourer]

« Un Pétaf qui s'ennuie est un Pétaf dangereux... »


Quote from: Slerski on October 31, 2010, 04:23:29 AM
Many thanks messieurs. Finding backstories is always more difficult than building the models, especially when you're not gifted with english like me :)

I wish my French was !% as good as your English !
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


"Imagination is the one weapon in the war against reality." -Jules de Gaultier

"My model is right! It's the real world that's wrong!" -global warming scientist

An armor guy, who builds airplanes almost exclusively, that he converts to space fighters-- all while admiring ship models.