
C-130 Hercules HTTB (WIP)

Started by Batman10, November 10, 2010, 02:27:11 PM

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Quote from: Aussie747 on November 09, 2010, 06:55:17 PM
Thanks Batman!

I have been looking for HTTB stuff like that onthe wings and flaps for a while. This will be a great help.

Now I just need to find someone to print some white decals for me.


It is a very involved conversion believe me.
White decals is the least of your problems.

I have been working on my conversion for a while. a long while.

I used the old Airfix kit. it is much better than the Italeri kit. I could write a book on how to build the conversion.
Also, It depends on which version you want to build.
The wing is 1 foot wider 6 inches in front 6 inches in back. it is an L-20 not an L-30. so you cannot use any of the stretch conversion kits.
Oh the radome is a different shape. The engines are wrong the props are little longer.

If you would like I will guide you through the conversion.


***inserted quote from member "Aussie747'' for the purpose of continuity***jjf
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I am up for a challenge. I am trying to correct the Anigrand 1/72 C-17 at the moment. So this is not much more of a challenge :D

I was aware of the fuselage plugs, nose shape (which I think is cool), ovesized ailerons, in creased rudder chord and different flap sysytem.

I did not know about the wing chord increase.

I was just going to use the standard kit engines, I did not know the nacelles had changed. I had read that the engines had a different designation (Allison 501) thinknig it was just a civil name for the T-56.

Thanks for the build pictures, looks like you have made some nice progress. I only had pictures to go by and with black flap parts against a black background doesn't  show much detail wise!


In work:
1/72 C-65J
1/72 P-7B
1/144 C-17T