avatar_Captain Canada

New Years Resolution

Started by Captain Canada, December 14, 2010, 07:25:07 PM

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Joe C-P

Piffle on my original post! Too damn depressing!  :banghead: Begone!

So I'll get the Patchwork World armor done, and another PW Dutch aircraft. Then finish some ships that are partially built. Then I'll build the alternate WW2 Helldiver, and the RN gyrocopter, and then dig into the ship kit pile again to work on some more real world history - a series of battle groups centered around the USS New Jersey. I've very nearly finished the 1986 Battle Group Romeo, I have the parts to show her paired with USS Midway in 1983 (though I'm still looking for a T-3 oiler to stretch to finish the dio), and I have to check again my USS NJ models to see if I have the parts for a Vietnam-era, since I have a DDG model to be USS Towers.
So there it is!
In want of hobby space!  The kitchen table is never stable.  Still managing to get some building done.