Started by crudebuteffective, March 23, 2013, 06:26:07 AM

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After the independence of India in 1947 the Nizam of Hyderabad (Osman Ali Khan, Asaf Jah VII) wanted  Hyderabad to stay independent and began to arm himself with the help of mercenaries.

Under British and UN pressure India drew back from invasion in 1947. After building tension and the realisation that he could be easily over whelmed if he had no secure way of resupply ,In October 1948 his forces made an assault towards the coast to set up a port at YANAM 80mi from Hyderabad, the battle that ensued became known as the battle for the kesarī svargatim (the Nizams corridor) the Nizams forces made a push for the coast they initially met little resistance but as the surprise wore off they came against fierce opposition UN intervention secured a ceasefire.

After the ceasefire an uneasy peace was kept by the UN controlling a corridor to the bay of Bengal and  the Nizam keeping the port of Yanam, but having lost a large part of his northern territory, the Nizam steadily equipped himself with whatever he could get, with the British and Americans refusing to sell to him he had to turn to less reputable suppliers....enter the Russians and the French ( in return for using the port of Yanam to resupply Indochina)

The build will follow the Nizams forces through the corridor clashes in the 50s &60s, the indo Pakistan war of 1971 and into the confrontation of the 80s

Remember, if the reality police ask you haven't seen us in ages!
When does "old enough to know better" kick in?


Will you be doing land forces as well as the air forces? 

Should make for a very interesting set of models particularly if the Nizam has to upgrade old equipment.  There would have been significant amounts of war surplus German, British and American equipment for sale and so updated versions of Shermans, Comets, Churchills, Panthers, assorted half tracks and all sorts of armoured cars with new weapons an engines.  Later on these AFVs would be further modified and used by the reserves and militia forces for home defence. 

Very much the same in the air - Swedish, Soviet, French "modern types" supported by WW2 surplus in secondary roles - Invaders, Mitchells, Lancasters, Corsairs, Bearcats, Hellcats, Mustangs etc etc.  Maybe even FW190, Bf109/Avia S-99 & S-199, Tempest, Fury and more. 

Great project looking forward to it.


Same here.  Have you come up with a roundel idea yet?
The Leng Plateau is lovely this time of year


yes the plan is land and air forces

The idea for the 1948 stuff will be an assortment of kit manned by ww2 ex service misfits from all sides

The idea of german and allied stuff serving side by side appeals

Roundels are still in the planning stage but may change as the time period changes 1948> onwards

Remember, if the reality police ask you haven't seen us in ages!
When does "old enough to know better" kick in?


Work in progress, have got ideas for markings but I'll keep you guessing.

Remember, if the reality police ask you haven't seen us in ages!
When does "old enough to know better" kick in?