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Long Range Escort Fighters 1944-1952

Started by Cliffy B, April 29, 2010, 05:19:19 PM

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Canada builds the frozen "iceberg aircraft-carrier" Habbakuk....... & stations it halfway with FR2G Corsairs on CAP (rocket-in-tail to altitude).
DHC-built Mosquitos, Hornets or Westland Welkins an outside possibility ?
TigercatPlus sounds reasonable -- don't know about its endurance.
B-35 / B-49 Flying Wings or B-36 with FICON jet-parasites.
Black-Widow (F-61E / F-15 gun-nose).

Luv the F-82 tho ... with its additional gun-pod it would have fourteen 50.cals in a small cone + trees of HVARs on the wings (but no more room for drop-tanks).

Turboprops for all ?? there is the Russian B-29 with them.

Several good short-range jets were designed for the cancelled USS United States -- a Douglas X(F)-3 riding a large missile which held all the out-bound fuel for the fighter !!  A B-47 type with V-tail & a Fairchild bi-wing "spaceship" design.

Could do a gun version of the B-47 (a G-47?) like the Reed Project B-17 & B-24's -- but then a B-47recon with a big hole in its tail only just got away from a Mig-15 ...

Of course, everything would have to be in natural-metal as paint weighs a lot (it does on a Jumbo!!), takes a fair bit of fuel just to carry it around.
Icy nose-art -- "the Iceman Commeth" shooting down a Fw-890 over the North Sea ?

Given Germany would have sub-launched V-2's, you'd need more B-29 maritime patrollers.
you may as well all give up -- the truth is much stranger than fiction.

I'm not sick ... just a little unwell.


I think the Boeing XF8B would have been perfect for your role.  First flew in 1944, long range, heavy armament.  3 were built, but undoubebtly more would have come on line if things were that dire as in your secenrio.  A quick google search will revel all the stats you need. 
Dave "Sandiego89"
Chesapeake, Virginia, USA

Cliffy B

Thanks for all of the replies guys!  Drew up the first two profiles and some short back stories over in my profile thread.  Go check 'em out!


Started with the Sea Hornets, next will be some Black Widows, and then onto some XF8Bs, and enlarged Tigercats.
"Helos don't fly.  They vibrate so violently that the ground rejects them."
-Tom Clancy

"Radial's Growl, Inline's Purr, Jet's Suck!"

"If all else fails, call in an air strike."


Enlarged Tigercats

The Grumman Sabretooth maybe??