
NASA concepts for future airliners

Started by Hobbes, January 17, 2011, 12:25:19 AM

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NASA has been funding research into new airliner concepts, aiming at reducing cost, fuel consumption and noise. The initial results are in:




Still playing around with the German "Victoria" wing from 1945 I see
Would the single fan be powerful enough for take-off or would it need Jato ?

There was a plan for a nucular-powered tug to pull 2 airliners across oceans with them only using their own engines to take-off & land.  It seemed that the flying-boat tug would only fly over water as, to fly over land, the nuclear power-plant would need extra shielding in case of a crash which made it too heavy to save the amount fuel to make it economical.

Here's a Lockheed / NASA one from 1980 -- re-engine with Turbo-jets like one of the Boeing AVC blended-wings & maybe ...
you may as well all give up -- the truth is much stranger than fiction.

I'm not sick ... just a little unwell.