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Started by ChernayaAkula, February 24, 2011, 01:56:06 AM

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Finished something? Post it here!  :thumbsup:

Please not more than 4 pics.
Include a link to your in-progress thread.
If you want to comment on builds, please do so in the in-progress threads.

Must, then, my projects bend to the iron yoke of a mechanical system? Is my soaring spirit to be chained down to the snail's pace of matter?


.............hes a very naughty boy!
allergic to aircraft in grey!
The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time........Bertrand Russell
I have come up with a plan so cunning you could stick a tail on it and call it a weasel. ......Edmund Blackadder


Just thought I'd add a quick build into this GB. A Southern Rhodesian Navy Supermarine Seafang F.Mk32 circa 1949. The Seafang saw service on the HMSRS Cecil until 1957 when it was discovered that the colony of Southern Rhodesia was, in fact, landlocked. The Seafangs along with the Cecil were sold to the Bolivian Navy shortly afterwards.

"A child of five would understand this. Send someone to fetch a child of five." - Julius Henry Marx (Groucho)


on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Consolidated Freebooter
Build thread:,32552.0.html

Join us aboard the  Baleen Colleen 3 at Cape Town Airport for a chance to see one of  37 species of whales and dolphins can be found in the waters off South Africa. Fly first class and get the opportunity to use our whale watching lounge while experiencing first class silver service.

The Baleen Coleen 3 can carry up to 20 passengers in comfort as we search for whales

At Safari Air safety is our priority. In case of an emergency the pilot will make an emergency landing and the Freebooter is designed to float. As we discovered with Baleen Colleen 1 & 2 the aircraft will float between 2- 4 hours.

the aircraft is equipped with  an extensive fire protection system. Most of the problems with the DB606A/B engines have been ironed out.

Don't forget to check out our gift shop where you can buy an extensive range of sculptures by local artists including a range of aircraft themed sculptures. We have the extensive Greif  range of charred chic which is 100 percent recycled  made from discarded engine parts.



Shorts Shanghai
Build thread:,32686.0.html

Shorts Shanghai is a four-engine  military and civilian  transport aircraft designed and built Shorts, a development of the Shorts Stirling. Designed as a rugged, heavy-duty transport to operate from unimproved airstrips Capable of using unprepared runways for takeoffs and landings. Its ability to take off and land on grass or dirt runways makes it popular in developing countries, where runways are not always paved. The Shanghai  was used by the RAF  as a troop, medical evacuation, and cargo transport aircraft. The versatile airframe has found uses in a variety of other roles, for airborne assault, search and rescue, weather reconnaissance, aerial refueling, maritime patrol and aerial firefighting. It also saw varied civilian use. These were initially overwhelmingly cargo planes, though several were ordered fitted out for passengers. Some of the civilian uses of the Shanghai have included aerial spraying, freight transport, passenger service, and sport skydiving shuttling and sighseeing.

The 1st May 2010 saw 60 years of service of the Shanghai. Not many examples are still operational but there are a few including this magnificent Giraffe patterned one flown by Safari Air for their air freight business in Africa.


SABDCA Tonnerre & English Electric Swallow

Build thread:,32741.0.html

Dateline  1960
Location Congo

In the early 1950s the Belgian government came under increasing pressure to allow the Belgian Congo to become a self-governing state. Belgium had ratified article 73 of the United Nations Charter, which advocated self-determination, and both superpowers put pressure on Belgium to reform its Congo policy. The Belgian government's response was largely dismissive. However, Belgian professor A.J. van Bilsen, in 1955, published a treatise called Thirty Year Plan for the Political Emancipation of Belgian Africa. The timetable called for gradual emancipation of the Congo over a thirty year period - the time Van Bilsen expected it would take to create an educated elite who could replace the Belgians in positions of power.

Faced with demands for earlier independence , the Belgian government announced constitutional reforms intended to bring more Congolese into government, but only in an advisory capacity. They also indicated that the end result of the process would eventually be independence. With this plan the Belgians hoped to satisfy the demands of the more moderate Congolese for inclusion in the political process while neutralizing the more extreme Congolese nationalists with the promise of eventual independence. The end result was the opposite of what was intended. There was a surge of political activity, over fifty political parties were registered, nearly all of them based on tribal groups. Nationalist demands grew more extreme as parties competed with each other. There was f rioting in Stanleyville in October.  By November 1959, much of the lower Congo was beyond the control of Belgian authorities.  The Belgium government dispatched military forces to Congo to help stabilise the situation including Tonnerre fighters and Swallow FIghter-bombers .

SABDCA Tonnerre set a speed record of 2,170 km/h (1,170 kn, 1,350 mph, Mach 2.04) in April 1956.
A supersonic jet fighter aircraft of the Cold War era, noted for its great speed and unpainted natural metal exterior finish. The aircraft was renowned for its capabilities as an interceptor.

The English Electric Swallow was a supersonic Mach 2  fighter-bomber . Originally designed as a single-seat, nuclear-attack aircraft, a two-seat version was later developed for use in the specialized Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses (SEAD) role against surface-to-air missile sites.

The Swallow was  armed with missiles and a cannon. A carrier-based variant was also planned for French service, but this was cancelled in favour of the cheaper Dassault Super Étendard


Rhodesian Combat Support Train.  In 1979 several civilian trains were acquired to support army operations against the rebel forces in the western areas of Rhodesia.  Trucks and helicopters could be re-armed, refueled and repaired, and crews fed and rested. The train was armed with mortars, crew served weapons and numerous small arms. Key areas were armored.  

All 1/87 "HO" scale.  

build thread:,32265.15.html


Dave "Sandiego89"
Chesapeake, Virginia, USA
