
Welcome to the Second Annual The Whiffies (2010)

Started by philp, April 09, 2010, 06:19:29 PM

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Congratulations to the winners, I am currently working on the files for the 2009 whiffie awards. These will be emailed to you as either Jpeg or PDF files, depending if my PC can convert them without grinding to a halt!
Can all the winner please contact me with your proper/normal names as well as you WHIFF IDs so i can add them to the respective certificates. Many thanks



As I have now got over the summer's fun and festivities (getting married) and my main PC problems have been resolved I can now finish the WHIFF awards for 2009. Sadly I have not heard a dickie bird from most of the winners as per my previous posting, therefore can you please contact me with your proper names so I can add these to your certificates. It is my intention to send these out as PDF and JPEG files if possible.

Most Improved Whiffer   Damian   
Most Helpful Whiffer   Jeffrey Fontaine                            Jeffrey Fontaine
Best Backstory   theDarkmaster and his The Empire's Twilight   Tim Morley
Best Imager   Stargazer2006                                          Stéphane Beaumort
Best Profiler   FAR148   
Best Piggyback   PACOPEPE: "1951, Soviet Mach 1   
HOG Memorial Award   Tuck: Arado AR500                            HOG   ?
Best Sci Fi   MartG: RA-5S Vigilante   
best Diorama   Trekriffic: Martian Diorama   
Best Figure   HOG: Figures around RADIAL ENGINED Me109X/V21   Gary Allum
Best Ship   Sauragnmon: Sovietskaya Germania                                   Simon Bradley
Best Auto   Puddingwrestler: PAH                                   Owen Top
Best Armor   Buzzbomb: Abrams Urban Combat   
Best Helicopter   nev: UV-22J   
Best Multi Winged Aircraft   SequoiaRanger: incredible Globrey Blordiator   
Best Jet Aircraft   General Melchett: B70 Valkyrie   
Best Propeller Aircraft   John Howling Mouse: Tucara                         Barry Snell
Best Scratchbuilt   General Melchett: English Electric P42   
Best Kitbash   John Howling Mouse: Tucara                                       Barry Snell
Best Camoflage Finish   RafHarrier: IAF 'THUNDER'   
Best Alternative Finish   FAR148: IAI-10I   
Whiffie of the Year   RafHarrier: IAF 'THUNDER'   

The only names I can figure out are as above so please get in contact ASAP.


Have you already all the proper names?.



Quote from: PACOPEPE on February 15, 2011, 12:04:02 AM
Have you already all the proper names?.

Sandy told me the other day that he was still missing names.  If you did not receive your award last year, please contact Tojo633 with the necessary info.

The Academy
Phil Peterson

Vote for the Whiffies


Talk about being late to the game! I just found out I won the Best Diorama category for 2009! Was just Googling trekriffic to see what was out there on the web and found this thread! Belatedly or not I'm honored. The talent displayed in this forum is awesome and to even be considered for an award leaves me speechless.

Congratulations to all the winners and nominees.And thank you to all those who voted.

Is it too late to get my winner's certificate?

The name is Steve Jurgens.

Thanks again!


Quote from: trekriffic on March 25, 2011, 04:15:08 PM
Is it too late to get my winner's certificate?

Is there such a thing as a "winner's certificate"?? Never got one for 2009... nor 2010 of course...  :-\