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Revell He 219 parts needed ( props and cowls )

Started by Doc Yo, March 15, 2011, 06:58:55 AM

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Doc Yo

 Does anyone have a spare pair of Revell He 219 Nacelle caps and props? I'm converting an old Airfix He 177 to
a 277. Pyro-maniac was good enough to help me out with one set, just need one more.

The Wooksta!

Not got any spare but I'd advise the ones from the old Revell release.  The current one is the Frog tooling.  The older ones look bang on the money for the 277.

Doc Yo

 Thats why I choose 'em. I had thought the current Revell Germany re-issue was the older Revell, but if its the
Frog, well. ( I just balk at spending the equivalent of seven or eight pounds for either one of them. [Its $18 from
Squadron in the US. Not sure what the exact conversion rate is these days.] ) In any case, I appreciate the
thought-I'll have a look at E-bay if I don't get a response here in a few more days.

The Wooksta!

One other thing - you'll have to fill the inside of the 177 wing and sand it right down to remove the buried engines.  I'd advise using the old Airfix kit as it's basic but got a reasonable outline and the plastic is thick, so will withstand some heavy sanding.


Be aware that there were about 7 variants proposed.  Heinkel actually built one He 277 just by adding two engines outboard of the existing ones.  This is an easy conversion.  Apparently it was faster than the He 177 but Goering or someone similar blocked further development.  There were several with a tail plane like a Lancaster and a rear turret - so really you can do what you like and it won't be far from the truth of a line drawing.  I think they put in a chin turret as well - basically lessons learnt from the allied bombers.  But it all came to nothing as we know.

I ended up making the version (the book is put away by she-who-must-be-obeyed so I can't lay my hands on it) a version with 4 engines, a chin bar-bet, Lancaster tail assembly and rear 4-barrel turret, and 2 remote dorsal bar-bets.

Love those 4 engined bombers

good luck


Green Dragon

Hey Doc, PM your address mate and I'll bung em in the post when I'm next at the Post Office (should be some time next week). I'm turning one of mine into a jet bomber so wont need any props.

Paul Harrison
"Well, it's rather brutal here. Right now we are advising all our clients to put everything they've got into canned food and shotguns."-Gremlins 2

On the bench.
1/72 Space 1999 Eagle, Comet Miniatures Martian War Machine
1/72nd Quad Tilt Rotor, 1/144th V/STOL E2 Hawkeye (stalled)

Doc Yo

@ Wooksta- I picked up the Airfix kit  years ago before the RoG kit was available, with this more or less in mind. Its also sort of the reason
I'm looking for the older Revell nacelles, it sort of keeps it all 'period' ;) My experience fairing the leading edges of my Rayon d'Mort in
the Vive' La France GB gave me enough confidence to tackle the wing of the Heinkel.

@Dumaniac- I'm no scholar, but I've had a copy of Green's Warplanes of the Third Reich since I was fifteen ( I'm fifty-two now ) so I'd say
   I'm familiar with the plane. :thumbsup: Appreciate the input, and I hope you'll like the build.

@ Paul- Thanks, amigo! Pm on the way!