Terminator MMEV (Multi-Mission Effects Vehicle)

Started by Burncycle, April 07, 2011, 09:33:01 AM

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So, I was bored one day... (isn't that how they all start?)

After looking at some videos of self propelled anti-aircraft guns in action, it occurs to me that if used in the fire support role that whoever was on the other end of those guns would not be a happy camper. Some of the latest ones incorporate missiles and guns (Tunguska, etc) and typically have search and engagement radars.

The idea is to take a SPAA as a basis for a vehicle that is designed to expand it's role to be more useful in low intensity conflicts.

First, I wanted it to be useful as a C-RAM and even maybe double as a short ranged counter-battery radar, for the defense of FOBs, Firebases, and OPs to counter short ranged mortar and artillery fire.

Armed with external power or an APU (to conserve fuel) it would be parked at strategic locations and use a 3d search radar to detect and track incoming mortar rounds, determine both the most likely impact point as well as attempt to pinpoint the origin of the artillery, automatically feeding that data to the appropriate mortar or artillery units standing by.  If it's determined that the likely impact zone puts personnel at risk, it will orient towards the threat and the MMW engagement radar takes over, tracking and directing the guns to defeat the incoming round.  Due to the traverse rates required I'm assuming this turret should be unmanned, with the crew controlling the vehicle either from aft consoles (Merkava like hull) while out and about, or externally from a separate and protected control center while the vehicle is on FOB duty.

Primary armament could be 35mm with AHEAD or whatever seems like it would be useful to defeat small ordnance such as this.  Secondary armament could be stingers if employed in a traditional anti-aircraft role, or something laser guided if employed in the area defense role.  Spike-ER would be like a TV-guided munition with a range of 8 km, enabling the vehicle to directly support troops on patrol. If there was any way to hand-off the guidance (either remote laser designator for a hellfire type missile, or an iridium datalink for a spike type missile) to the ground troops, it would be even better.

Additionally though, for FOB or OP use, I was thinking the engagement radar might be useful doubling as a ground surveillance radar. Combined with stabilized day/night TV and thermals / IRST it would be a powerful set of eyes.  A laser designator (or maybe even a multi-laser projector) will be able to orient friendly ground troops using NOD towards where the baddies are shooting from, as well as airpower. It could generate estimated enemy GPS coordinates based on range, direction distance and elevation.  Maybe some ELINT equipment or jammers onboard and you'll be able to deny them the use of walkie talkies or at least have early warning of enemy activity.

When it comes to beating up an enemy using harassing fire from hillsides (ie afghanistan) it can detect general movement, zoom right up to the area, and engage if in range. Further, it would be one hell of an assault-breaker should anyone ever try vietnam style direct action against a FOB or OP.

So what do you think? Too many eggs in one basket?  ;D


I take it you are familiar with the Canadian MMEV concept using the Air Defense Anti-Tank System (ADATS) technology?

See here


All hail the God of Frustration!!!


Yep!  :thumbsup:

Was looking at a different take of the same concept, with some expanded roles


All hail the God of Frustration!!!


In the short story "CAV" by James H. Cobb, there was a vehicle similar to what you describe.  The characters in the story drove wheeled vehicles equipped with large automatic cannon and N-LOS missiles.  They were deployed on a peacekeeping operation in Africa, and ran into opposition equipped with Centauros tank destroyers and the aforementioned 2K22 Tunguska.
"Life isn't divided into genres. It's a horrifying, romantic, tragic, comical, science-fiction cowboy detective novel. You know, with a bit of pornography if you're lucky."-Alan Moore


There's a long and bloody history of using AAA against ground troops, indeed they're arguably seen as much use in this role as in the anti-aircraft one. What you're proposing is entirely doable, just very expensive. Probably a bit heavy for easy world-wide deployability too (in the current procurement environment), although personally I'm not a fan of the current vogue for compromising combat capability for ease of transport: I think the solution is to get the correct strategic transport for the units needed to do the job!

Might I suggest a refinement? Put a 12.7mm heavy machine gun alongside one of the cannons. Don't just use the old M2: design the thing from scratch to be selective fire and super-accurate, with a very long barrel externally supported by the cannon barrel and using sniper-grade ammo. This gives you the option of reduced collateral damage: it's all very well spotting which window of the tower block the sniper is firing from, but if every room around him contains innocents, then taking the front of the building off with a burst of 35mm is going to get you on the 10 o'clock news for all the wrong reasons....
"Things need not have happened to be true. Tales and dreams are the shadow-truths that will endure when mere facts are dust and ashes, and forgot."
 - Sandman: A Midsummer Night's Dream, by Neil Gaiman

"I dunno, I'm making this up as I go."
 - Indiana Jones

Old Wombat

Quote from: Weaver on April 08, 2011, 09:00:00 AMMight I suggest a refinement? Put a 12.7mm heavy machine gun alongside one of the cannons. Don't just use the old M2: design the thing from scratch to be selective fire and super-accurate, with a very long barrel externally supported by the cannon barrel and using sniper-grade ammo. This gives you the option of reduced collateral damage: it's all very well spotting which window of the tower block the sniper is firing from, but if every room around him contains innocents, then taking the front of the building off with a burst of 35mm is going to get you on the 10 o'clock news for all the wrong reasons....
That is a brilliant idea! :thumbsup:
Has a life outside of What-If & wishes it would stop interfering!

"The purpose of all War is Peace" - St. Augustine

veritas ad mortus veritas est


To be able to do all of this would indeed be very expensive!

The .50 is a good idea  :thumbsup: The whole point is to have the tools in the toolbox to deal with a given situation appropriately -- from pinpoint accuracy to being able to erase a gridsquare, you have the tools at your disposal to support the troops in a way that currently doesn't exist.