
PW's Pernicious Paper Projects

Started by puddingwrestler, May 02, 2011, 04:24:56 AM

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You may well be asking where I have been all this time.
Well, I seem to have lost my modeling mojo and replaced it with my wargames mojo. Then I did a deft side-slip and ended up with a paper wargames mojo.
I've spent the last few weeks either working on barking mad Nurgle conversions for Warhampster or designing a large and mighty modular paper dungeon with which I can take my school Wargames Club on numerous dungeon delving adventures. And who better to smite on these quests than a horde of paper models of such things as Bogo FLathead, a dimwitted Orc guard, Mrs. Krung, the Ogre Laundress, various Goblin slaves and an escaped sock...?
Anyway, all of this largess beyond the imaginings of mere mortal man can be downloaded for free, printed, cut, folded, glued and played with (or fondled if you are one of those who merely collects) from my freshly minted Photobucket account!

And here for you ogling pleassure are a few previews (the real things are full A4 sheets, so they are a: too damn big to display here and b: too damn big to display wihtout gutting the page's load speeds)

A Great Orc warrior; greater than your average Orc and with better posture.

A mighty Barbarian from Northern Lands. Because you cannot have Mighty Barbarians from Southern Lands, there's a Union rule about it.

A mysterious Elven sorcoress

A grim gaggle of gastly gnolls

Note: The image has decided to look too big. They should be slightly taller than the great orcs, but not much.

I've also uploaded the Wild Western Spiral Arm figures and buildings I did last year, which got me into this whole paper Wargames thing...

The noble and wise Gleeb, sort of like elves. In the old west. In space. And they're frogs. Just because.

And where would we be without the stout and... well, stout Tamus? That mighty race of thick-skinned, large nosed master engineers who are so practical and down to earth that they name thier military units after EXACTLY what they do, hence Zappers, Blasters and Thwackers.

Note: The image has decided to output larger than life. They should be about the same size as the Gleeb.

The whole complete and total insanity of the Toposphere Print and Play range can be viewed by accessing the album thus.
And remember to view it on a regular basis for I shall update it at the drop of a hat.

Next on the to-do list are Fantasy Gleeb and Tamus, then possibly some high-level encounter packs (giants, ogres etc. etc.) and a 3D worm o' death with optional dread lord rider.

You may be asking your self what is so 'what-if' about all this. Well think on this; I have answered the vital questions of how and where all those orcs guarding dungeons do thier laundry, what happens when they wear their socks too long, and what a dire guinea pig looks like. I think you will find very few RPGs bother with such things.
There are no good kits, bad kits or grail kits, just kitbash fodder.