Junkers 260 Drache

Started by tigercat, June 15, 2011, 06:19:40 AM

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In the middle of 1944, the Junkers aircraft company worked on a project for a low-level ground attack aircraft to replace the Henschel Hs 129 ground attack aircraft.  The fuselage was stout and tapered, and was armored throughout.  Fuel was contained entirely in the armored fuselage. The wings were straight and exhibited taper on both the leading and trailing edges. A twin fin and rudder configuration was chosen with the tailplanes being horizontal. This specification was later altered to combine bombing capacity with the ground attack role. It suffered from a number of technical problems during the later stages of its development and early operational roles, but became one of the most versatile combat aircraft of the war. Becoming the Spiritual successor of the Junkers 88


On a roll recently! :thumbsup:

Can I see a Mossie nose and canopy?


I went a bit mad  for the 46 GB

That is indeed a Mossie nose