
Cartel Maritime attack bomber

Started by chrisonord, July 04, 2011, 08:32:04 AM

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Over the years the Cartel has acquired several IL-28 Beagle bombers, some of which are used effectively against government and Hoduras insergents. One such addition came in the shape of an IL-28M training platform, this of course was not going to be its job anymore. Numerous changes to the fuselage and avionics suite were carried out to make the aircraft suitable for carrying out anti shipping sorties. One imperticular sortie being the carriage and launching of the "Black Marlin long range stand off anti ship missile. It is yet unclear where this missiles origins are, it has some soviet era characteristics to it but inteligence reports from Russia come up blank. what is known is that it is a twin turbo-jet engined missile, which uses the launch crafts dash speed to get it upto launch speed, the engines are then spinning and ready to ignite when the missile is dropped and is clear of the aircraft by about 5 metres. The speed of the missile is thought to be very high subsonic at sea level, and has a very large HE warhead in excess of 400 KG. Targetting is carried out by the launch aircraft, and tragectory and range calculations are sent to the missile. The missile is launched from a safe standoff range, possibly up to 80KM, when the missile is within an undetermined distance from the target, it uses its own search/recognition sensors and locks on. The type of sensors used in the missile are as yet to be determined as a complete weapon has yet to be captured. Several small remains were salvaged after a missile was succesfully used against a Honduras government owned cargo vessel carrying various military conponents.

The dogs philosophy on life.
If you cant eat it hump it or fight it,
Pee on it and walk away!!

Army of One

Great work Chris.... :thumbsup:....what are the black protrusions where the tail gunner would be...? They get cut off at the edge of the pic.....I gotta get working on that naval Hind A again.......completed a few other things but need to do some helo's.......keep up the great work.. :thumbsup:...H



Cheers H,
The pods on the back end of the aircraft are counter measures and an I.F.F reciever. I am looking forward to seeing your naval hind finished too, as I have also been building a maritime attack Hind A and a KA-29 too.
The dogs philosophy on life.
If you cant eat it hump it or fight it,
Pee on it and walk away!!

Army of One

Whose kit is the Il28...?? I have a couple of Trumpeter ones that I really like....I think Airfix did one as well...the Hind A....that the one u got cheap on fleabay....?? Look forward to seeing that......H



The IL-28 is the Bilek kit of the IL-28 UM Mascot. The Hind A I got is nearly finished, just needs decals matt coat and landing gear. Oh and some anti ship missiles  :wacko:
The dogs philosophy on life.
If you cant eat it hump it or fight it,
Pee on it and walk away!!