Tigercat's Taskforces

Started by tigercat, January 17, 2021, 10:47:51 AM

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This us currently my modelling off season as most of my modelling is done al fresco as the smell of glue and paint tends to have adverse reactions  on the other members of chez Tigercat

So plans for 2021 finish off various diorama bits I started in 2020 , some just need details like bins and bike racks adding  others are still in there early stages .

Finish my delayed ship project

The Dutch Witter Olifant which has morphed from a monitor to more of a pocket battleship concept . It may evolve again before plastic is put to glue

Finish my armoured train Valkyrie having in a fit of madness bought a Mach 2 armoured train add on set which was very typically a Mach 2 kit

My latest brain wave is to take lego ship hulls and  convert them  . As they float possibly into floating models .

First thoughts are a Raumboote variant and Russian style Monitor 


Is the Mach2 train as bad as some reviews I have read on line or can the parts be cleaned up or replaced ?


I think the main issues are round the wheels . I've remounted them on some spares and repairs wagons I got .  Also  planning on replacing  the armament .

Everything is a bit thick but there are no transparencies which is where Mach 2 normally falls down