1/72 Me-262 Photoetched Detail Set "for sale or trade"

Started by sequoiaranger, April 15, 2012, 08:10:08 AM

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The recent bevy of 1/72 Me-262 kits that made up my latest "stretched" Me-262 (Me-2262 Sturmadler) has yielded a nice, Eduard brass photo-etched detail set that was included in one of the kits. Cockpit stuff, landing-gear stuff, and...?

I truly never wanted to bother with including the PE parts in the model, so the PE set remains untouched and un-bent in its sealed pouch. It will fit in a standard envelope, so posting is simple and cheap.

Lemme know. I'm not planning on making any more Me-262 models. When I die, my wife will just throw the PE set out!
My mind is like a compost heap: both "fertile" and "rotten"!