
Alternate history and Hello.

Started by Go4fun, May 02, 2012, 03:21:57 PM

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Hello from Kansas. I haven't actually started this build but I am in the planning stage. This includes taking pictures, putting them on the old computer computer, then using the Paint program to modify as needed. I don't know if this counts as armor persay, but it IS antiarmor equipment. Here is the tale.
After the Bombs fell in 1991 Members of 2/35th Infantry Support Battalion Company F Kansas National Guard (Antitank Co) having weapons but few vehicles took the weapons and spread out. To help keep the peace they recruited local mechanics and welders to modify person vehicles for service.
Out of 190 personnel on the roster only 53 showed for the call up. None of the officers made it but the Arms Room Tech and Captain's Orderly did so the troops had full access to the weapons and the few vehicles: Two Jeeps, One 2 & 1/2 ton truck, One M-113 Armor Personnel Carrier and a "Water Buffalo" trailer for the 'Deuce-and-a-half' and one 1/4 ton trailer and a 'spare' for each Jeep for a total of four. The M-113 was out of service awaiting parts. Staff Sergent John A. Blackwell being the ranking member took charge. He organized the troops into One Platoon (Reinforced) of Five 9 man squads of Three 3 man Teams each, and One Headquarters Squad.
SSG Blackwell had a perimeter set at the Armory (Meeting Hall) location and ordered the M-113 towed to a position covering the front entrance and two sides of the lot. He had the M-2 Heavy Machine Gun and one TOW II set up on the M-113, sent two more TOW Teams to set up at other firing points and two M-60 Teams to back them up. They held one squad in reserve and sent two squads in the Deuce and one personal pickup truck armed to the teeth with M16s, M-60 MGs and personal weapons to their ammunition storage area to bring back rounds for all the weapons and "...as many Tow II rounds as you can carry in your trucks".
Lacking orders to the contrary and knowing KANG HQ, (Kansas Army National Guard Headquarters), in Topeka was probably taken out in the bomb attacks on Forbes Field and failing to make contact with the Company officers who lived in the Kansas City area, (Another target), SSG Blackwell came up with a contingency plan: To defend Lawrence, Kansas as best they could, to preserve the surrounding crop lands from scavengers and hoarders and to help local law enforcement agencies (LEA) keep the peace. A few phone calls proved that this would be difficult as the Mayor, Police Chief and City Council had been in Topeka for a conference when the bomb(s) fell there. "Adapt, Improvise, Overcome!" seemed called for in bucketfuls here!
His Second In Command SGT Foxwell Gregg 'suggested' that people in the City government might respond better to a Captain than a Staff Sergent and a Lieutenant better than a Sergent. Thus these changes were made and Sgt in Squad Leadership positions became Lieutenants, Specialist became Sgt and so on. Thus 'Captain' Blackwell called the Police, Sheriff and City offices and called for a meeting "As soon as possible or sooner". He listened as the Lt. Chief of Police complained of calls from people who said "They were being targeted when coming down the parkway from the Turnpike Tollway". Foxxy suggested all vehicles be stopped and only residents of the County be admitted, others given passes and outgoing trucks with loads be turned around. "We are going to need everything we can beg, borrow or commandeer soon!" was her reasoning. The 'Captain' then ordered a Jeep with TOW mount to the Turnpike Tollway and another team to the other Toll plaza. He also sent two M-60 teams.Blackwell and Gregg both thought the message was clear to all.
The message had the desired effect as soon the LT Mayor, LT Police Chief and Sheriff showed at the gate demanding to see "The Maniac in charge"! All were told to park in the grass and proceed through the personnel gate under armed escort. They were shown to a conference/training room which was being used as a plotting room. "There is a rush on the banks and they have all closed their doors. They say their computers are down!" complained the LT Mayor. LT Gregg wrote "Money" and "Computers" on a blackboard. "What is this I hear about shutting off the turnpike? We won't be able to get anywhere of get anything in!" said the Sheriff. "Why is there a tank, machine guns and missiles all over here and at the turnpike?" asked the LT Police Chief. "Borders" and "Traffic Control" were added to the chalkboard. Arguing broke out among the three until 'Captain' Blackwell bellowed out "AT EASE this happy horse crap"! As the three government officials stared at him he went on. "People are rushing the banks because the ATMs are down. Credit and debit cards won't work because the computers are down. We have been bracketed by nuclear bombs and any unprotected computer will be fried.
"Two: People will soon think even printed money is useless as there is no government to back it. You," Blackwell says pointing at the LT Mayor, "have to make sure the money available is honored and controlled. Our whole monetary system is based on trust. We trust the government to back the money. You sir are The Government". Blackwell turned to the Sheriff. "Our next problem is food and water. We need the County people in charge of surveying crops and ranches with telling us what we have. It's your job to protect it from looters. The best way is to guard entry into the area"."Do you realize how many little roads we will have to cover?" asked the Sheriff. "Yes I do," replied the Captain, and there are ways to make it more manageable. Block off some of the smaller roads and funnel traffic to the larger roads where you can use Reserve Officers to man them. Horses and small aircraft can be used to keep watch of open areas. And I suggest a recruitment and training program to up your forces, both Police and Sheriff". Meeting times were set for the departments and offices and the officials left.
"What a way to fight a war!" LT Gregg complained. "We are outnumbered, outflanked by the locals officials and lacking any higher command structure". Captain Blackwell smiled and said "That may be so. But we have the biggest weapons in the neighborhood"!
Home built modifications to Privatly owned vehicles soon followed.
"Just which planet are you from again"?


Sorry. Having trouble loading pictures from my Windows Paint file.
"Just which planet are you from again"?


You need to host the pictures using the likes of Photobucket etc as we had to stop direct uploading of images some time ago
Project Cancelled SIG Secretary, specialising in post war British RN warships, RN and RAF aircraft projects. Also USN and Russian warships


I'm even having trouble with Photo Bucket.  :angry:
"Just which planet are you from again"?


I hope we see photos soon, but nonetheless, I think the story so far is excellent!
If I am targetted by JMNs, I'm in good Company.

No, no, no! You do not die for your country, you make the other one die!


Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Thanksd Chris. It worked.

I'll keep 'working' on it.
"Just which planet are you from again"?


Updated the picture and calling this one done.

Tractor green, flat black, two shades of primer gray, barn brown and some tan latex left over from the trim on Aunt Thelma's windows ought to do it! ;D
"Just which planet are you from again"?


Glad you got the pic thing sorted :thumbsup: It drove me mad to start with  :banghead: Now I find it almost second nature
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Thanks againChris. All  I need to do is get used to Photo Bucket again.
"Just which planet are you from again"?


Interesting. :) I have something similar planned (ie bodged vehicles) in a slightly different post-apocalyptic setting in Europe - I've got a big Ural 6x6 truck, a GAZ-66, an M151 "Mutt" and assorted figures etc. to do when I get round to it. Think more Mad Max, but with the undead. ;D
Some of my models can be found on my Flickr album >>>HERE<<<


If you use facebook simply search for "The Tractor Wars" group. You can request to join if you wish and feel it leds you fresh ideas.
We don't have wandering Zombies but I'm sure we will be running into Nuclear bombing "Survivors", if that can be called surviving.  :o
"Just which planet are you from again"?

Sentinel Chicken

Interesting scenario! Grew up in Topeka myself. Lived there 1979-1989.


You poor poor chicken! How did you survive? Are you getting over it?  :wacko:
"Just which planet are you from again"?

Sentinel Chicken

Quote from: Go4fun on June 08, 2012, 04:54:38 PM
You poor poor chicken! How did you survive? Are you getting over it?  :wacko:
I find that massive quantities of beer help. And sniffing model airplane glue.