
Focke-Wulf Ta-154 D2N wt BMW 003C - 05/11 a wee update finally!

Started by trickyrich, October 18, 2015, 08:18:29 PM

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Ok this is part two of a new project that I have sort of been hinting about and the base components have been photo bombing. Again I blame Arnold for this rash of "unusual" builds.

Basically this is a "what shall I do with the left-overs" build, but after having a look at what will be involved a far more substantial build than the Arado one. One of the big issues was to the layout of the undercarriage and to where to fit it! With the two engine pods for the BWM's there is no room for undercarriage. I could have gone with something exotic like a bicycle mains with outriggers but that does suit the look I'm after. But I now have a cunning plan that will be revealed a bit further down.

Ok a bit of a mock-up to see what it will look like, it's workable and a bit odd. It will be an all metal body so a whole lot of new panel lines will need to be done...oh what fun that'll be!!!

So first off the wing, this will be the whole wing and engines leftover from the turbo-Prop build. Like the Jumo Arado the wing actually sort of fits the fuselage, which will make stitching this together a lot easier. I've cut the Arado's wing to suit the wing cut out of the 154, this gives me the correct (?) position for the new wing.

I'll need some packing to get the wing to sit at the right height.

With it all together now (well held together by tape anyway) I can new get a good idea of how she will look. I will use the tail plug for the 154-A2 mod kit. The nose is still quite stubby but I am thinking about extending time a wee bit from behind where the RO sits, maybe enough to have the pilot level or just in front of the intakes.

Plus I will not be using the FuG-220 antenna array, instead I will use the extra resin FuG-240 "dustbin" I had from the Arado P5 build. Seeing this is a Luft46 aircraft it'll need a more modern radar! I don't have any photos to show but it is the perfect size an looks amazing!

Ok now for the main gear, after lots of thinking and looking in the spares box I ended up coming back the Arados main gear. With very little moding of the gear bay it fits perfectly! So some quick marking up using the Arado as a guide and one hole later we have it! Looks pretty sweet and are in a similar position to the Arados.

So this is a doable project, a bit more complex than her sister, plus she will have a new resin cockpit. Most of the work will be getting the wings to fit and on, plus re-profiling.

This won't be a quick project at all, this one will take time but should be lots of fun as well.

TrickyRich Aviation Werks is now in full production mode!! Business logo on the way!   

Rick Lowe

He's Back!
Liking where this is going... If I ever get my act together and do the 234 with BMWs, this will be ideal for the leftovers!

Just a thought, would TrickyRich FlugWerke scan better? Keeps it 'all German', you see...

I will watch this with interest... cue "Note Taking and Popcorn-Stuffing" Emotiface...



Quote from: Rick Lowe on October 18, 2015, 08:45:14 PM
He's Back!
Liking where this is going... If I ever get my act together and do the 234 with BMWs, this will be ideal for the leftovers!

Just a thought, would TrickyRich FlugWerke scan better? Keeps it 'all German', you see...

I will watch this with interest... cue "Note Taking and Popcorn-Stuffing" Emotiface...


:thumbsup: I like...I use!  ;D



I have to follow this as I did something similar a while ago, the Luftwaffe Focke Wulf Ta-254 V1 "Stechmücke". But used a much simpler kit (PM-Model) and different engine layout:

Daily updates from my engineer: https://twitter.com/Scratchbr1

German Naval History               : www.german-navy.de
Bärenreisen                             : www.barenurlaub.de

Captain Canada

Wow ! That's one super-cool build already !

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


They look as though they were intended for each other
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


"Sticks and stones may break some bones but a 3.57's gonna blow your damn head off!!"


Quote from: NARSES2 on October 19, 2015, 07:17:25 AM
They look as though they were intended for each other

Yup. Nice to see this combo entering hardware stage. I've also considered a jet-powered Ta 154, but never found a good solution - lacking parts and worryin about the landing gear placement. It eventually ended in a He 219 kitbash... also with the narrow track landing gear retracting into the fuselage.

1:72 Heinkel He 276 B-2/U1; German Luftwaffe's 'D5+JH' (s/n 221016) of II./NJG 3; Skrydstrup (Denmark), early 1946 (Whif/kit-bashing) by dizzyfugu, on Flickr

Your four engine approach looks fine, looking forward to see progress!  :thumbsup:


[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


Quote from: Dizzyfugu on October 23, 2015, 06:36:50 AM
Quote from: NARSES2 on October 19, 2015, 07:17:25 AM
They look as though they were intended for each other

Yup. Nice to see this combo entering hardware stage. I've also considered a jet-powered Ta 154, but never found a good solution - lacking parts and worryin about the landing gear placement. It eventually ended in a He 219 kitbash... also with the narrow track landing gear retracting into the fuselage.

1:72 Heinkel He 276 B-2/U1; German Luftwaffe's 'D5+JH' (s/n 221016) of II./NJG 3; Skrydstrup (Denmark), early 1946 (Whif/kit-bashing) by dizzyfugu, on Flickr

Your four engine approach looks fine, looking forward to see progress!  :thumbsup:

I like the ideas behind this one alot, she looks a bit "B-45 Tornado"!

The main gear is still a bit of a worry for me, but have a few ideas.


The double-podded engine looks better than the individual pods actually in this case: It's hard to blend them well, but you should definitely use the B-45 and B-47 as references
That being said, I'd like to remind everybody in a manner reminiscent of the SNL bit on Julian Assange, that no matter how I die: It was murder (even if there was a suicide note or a video of me peacefully dying in my sleep); should I be framed for a criminal offense or disappear, you know to blame.


ok a wee update for this build as well, I haven't forgotten about her, it's just this build is a wee bit harder than the Arado. I have done a bit more to her, namely just tiding up a few bits. The tail and extender are glued together as well as now the parts for the tail surfaces.

I've now changed the radar set to be used on her from the FuG-218 masts fitted to the proytotype aircraft to the FuG-240 Berlin dish in the nose. This gives her a more modern look plus now helps balance the longer tail, which its her a much balanced look and suits the period to as well.

I have a few other projects on the go at the same time but the plan is to finish her now with the Arado, completion date early Jan 2018. The hardest part is still the main gear which has given me real grief! But I'm in the process of building something now which I think will look the part. I need to complete that before I can close up the fuselage, once that's done the only really hard part remaining is fairing in the new wing, which is actually quite easy job. Again I want to finish her along with her sister so once I get my current build out of the way ( a 1/32nd resin Ki-444 Tojo) I should be right to continue on with these two.

Old Wombat

Has a life outside of What-If & wishes it would stop interfering!

"The purpose of all War is Peace" - St. Augustine

veritas ad mortus veritas est


Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Did something in the same direction some time ago, the  Focke Wulf Ta-254 V1 "Stechmücke".

Based on the horrible PM-Model kit, this one is much simpler than you one:

More here: http://www.whatifmodelers.com/index.php/topic,37959.msg617981.html
Daily updates from my engineer: https://twitter.com/Scratchbr1

German Naval History               : www.german-navy.de
Bärenreisen                             : www.barenurlaub.de