
Proditor's Perpetually unfinished Navies

Started by proditor, September 07, 2009, 05:24:15 PM

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I think I have to do something with the funnels, but I'm still dithering about it.  ;)

I'm going to base the design off of the Anderson design, but without the CTOL capability.  I'm basically going for a sexy Harrier/F-35 home.  

Depending on how much of the middle I want to keep for CIWS and VLS, I think I'm going to wind up about where the Phase II designs did in terms of flightdeck length.  Now I know they only extended it about another 15% and said they'd be able to accomodate fast movers, but I think I'm going to stick with VTOL and V/STOL birds and hold on to the middle bits.

This does raise some another questions though;

Where I'm mounting the 2 x AN/SPG-51 directors that were on the aft Aegis housing.
What's in the shielded radar assembly?
Can I use whatever is in there to coordinate main battery firing?
I think I need two main radars for air search, and obviously something for surface...thoughts?  How much can I have crammed in the abbreviated shielded tower?

Current planned weapons systems are:

8 x harrier or F-35
6 x 16"/50
4 x 5"/54
4 x Phalanx Block B
2 x 32 Mk 41 VLS
(Pending) 2 x RAM

SO where do I put the RAM?  One thought is to move the waist Phalanx and replace them with RAM, then put one on the Flight control roof, and the other...somewhere.  ;)

EDIT:  I did some research.

SO it looks like I'm using the SSDS along with:

AN/SPS-48E 3-D air search radar
AN/SPS-49(V)5 2-D air search radar
AN/SPQ-9B target acquisition radar

And probably a couple of the landing radars I'd think.


New pics!  I got some time in while watching my beloved Bears romp to a curb stomp.  So I finished most of the round one PSR on the flight deck, and I then figured out what I'm using as flight control ops.  Cleaned up that, and put in some supports for the raised flight deck.  Then for yucks and giggles I did a test fit.  Now part of me doesn't like the huge overhang on the sides, but really, that's how we do that sort of thing on a carrier.  So I figured I'd go with it, and it's growing on me.  Enough talking, pics below.