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Me/Bf-109 meet Sci-fi

Started by Daryl J., September 16, 2006, 08:16:52 PM

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Yup- it was me (in my SSM guise of "M3") and a few others who came up with the whole Sf-109 concept. The challenge is still open, BTW- we've extended the deadline to December 31. Anyone want to give it a try here?

QuoteThe Official Rules for the Me/Bf-109 Sci-Fi Bash Challenge (a/k/a "The Sf-109 Challenge")

1. The goal is to kitbash a standard Me/Bf-109 kit into a science fiction/fantasy based model that is something OTHER than a WWII propfighter. Use the body as the secondary hull for a Star Trek starship, and the wings as an elongated primary hull. Create a Last Exile "Vanship", or a Star Wars "swoop car". Be creative!

2. The primary source kit for your kitbash must be a Me-109 or a Bf-109. Any variant or version of these is acceptable, although borderline cases (Luft '46 variants) must be approved (and, given the price of most Luft '46 models, your sanity may be called into question.) Additional kits and pieces thereof, as well as styrene, resin, metal, balsa, and various putties, may be used at the modeler's discretion.

3. Me/Bf-109 kits of any scale may be used; finished projects can be declared any scale. (Want to turn your 1/72 Bf-109G into a 1/10x14 scale Ringworld with a funny outline? Fine!)

4. Approximately 40-50% of all major visible parts have to be recognizably from at least one Me/Bf-109 model. Sprues DO NOT COUNT towards this percentage. (Higher percentages are OK.)

5. More than one Me/Bf-109 may be used. Use two bodies as a pair of Star Trek warp nacelles, or as Star Wars podracer engines.

6. Other then that, anything else goes!

7. Participants are encouraged to keep a running construction log, with pictures, to document their construction process for later publication.

8. Extra points will be given for those who incorporate the box of the original kit into the finished kit display in a creative fashion.

More info here:


This one's my entry (in progress, obviously):


MMM- aka "M3", aka "Major Matt Mason"
Lawrence, KS


Dammit -- and I had yet another idea for the build but put it off 'cause I thought I was past the deadline.

Great, M3. MORE models to buy!

Poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part...

More into Flight Sim reskinning these days, but still what-iffing... Leading Edge 3D
