Aarcesair P-51 No.2

Started by Briar, November 04, 2012, 12:10:23 AM

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Okay, so here is my third project. This is going to be about the modification of my broken RC P-51. Here are the modifications list:
1) Chop the nose off (that sounds painful  :wacko: ) and replace it with a new foam nose and a Radial cowling.
2) Give it gull wings. I will chop each wing off, and reglue them with carbon fiber at an angle, angled down. Then I will go our about a fourth of the length of the wing and cut that. Then I will make a pod out of insulation foam that will act as a rocket pod (like an attack heli) in the front half, and to hold landing gear in the back. Then, I will glue the remaining three-fourths of the wing onto the pod, angling up. This will create a Corsair Gull wing configuration. Then, I will cut the rounding pieces off the tip of the wings, add a fuel pod to each tip, and re-glue the round piece back on underneath the pod to show the lights that are house in it.
3) Elongate the tail. Just chop it off, add two carbon fiber spars, then put some foam in the gap. Within the tail section, the rudder also needs to be modified. I will make some that are highly swept back and angled down, like an F-4 phantom elevator.
As miscellaneous I just need to add a contra-engine, some paint, some cockpit details, and a new battery.

So far, I have done the first phase. I have just stripped and chopped most of it. I cut the tail, the elevators, the curved wing tip pieces, and the nose off. I stripped other various pieces, like the engine mount, the old engine cowling, the exhaust pipe details, the servo rods, the rudder hing and tail landing gear, the wing landing gear, and most of the electronics (to reduce weight and so I do not have to worry about slicing them during construction). Right now it looks really awful (since it has no nose or tail) and looks actually a lot like a flying wing.

List of supplies I need in order to continue construction:
1) A large sheet of Dow Insulation foam. This stuff is the best for any hobby, you should check it out. It's light, strong, and is smooth when sand papered.
2) Some carbon fiber rods of various sized, for the tail, the rudder, and the wing.
3) A well shaped, good sized cowling from the local hobby shop to be repainted and fitted onto the nose.
4) Speaking of noses, I also need a new contra engine from Hobbyking. It needs to be alot smaller then the massive one I got for the Aarcesair P-51 No.1.
5) Landing gear. The one that was pre-installed I have now sucks. It will not have to be retracts, but just some static ones that look good and work.
6) A big battery to run both motors for a good ten minutes.
7) Some wood to glue into the nose to act as a motor foundation.
hmm... I think that's it. When it comes to a reasonable milestone, I will take and post some pics!!! Let the rumpus begin!!!


Quote from: Briar on November 04, 2012, 12:10:23 AM
2) Give it gull wings....
List of supplies I need in order to continue construction:
4) new contra engine from Hobbyking. It needs to be alot smaller then the massive one I got for the Aarcesair P-51 No.1.
5) Landing gear. The one that was pre-installed I have now sucks. It will not have to be retracts, but just some static ones that look good and work.
6) A big battery to run both motors for a good ten minutes.
Maybe use some thin plywood to brace the wing bends?
Do they make contra motors in many sizes? I'm aware of big ones and really tiny ones.
Do you need landing gear for flying? If you have grass or snow to land on, you may be be better off flying without LG, and having some removable gear for static display.
Hey, mind the weight! Better not build a brick if you want it to fly.


[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


I think some super glue and carbon fiber rods will be enough, because I don't want it to be a brick.
They don't make contra motors in many sizes, no. They make it the perfect size for this model and most of my other models.
I do need landing gear. I have grass, but since I have two props that need clearance to not snap off, I will need landing gear. Again, no retracts, just some static ones that look cool.
Yeah, I think the weight is fine. It's not like I am building a plane as heavy as Aarcesair P-51 No.1. If you read my post and think about it, I am just cutting it up and reforming it. I will also be updating the electronics, but they'll be twice as strong.

@Tophe: looking good!!! Maybe you could make a third version with the F-4 tail, but with the elevator swept down and back, like a swallow.


I can do it, but it is not easy to read, on a slanting view:
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


Thank you!!! As default, just know that all my planes normally have contra-rotating props...